Dear community I recently have had a couple tenants who requ...
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Dear community I recently have had a couple tenants who requested to stay but do not have reviews on their account. Also had...
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Questions regarding "Lisiting not appearning in Search Results" are very common and I'd like to share some reasons why this could be happening and how you can view your listing on searching.
Before getting to the details, it is important to understand how search results are determined. The linked article talks about how Airbnb's complex ranking system uses different factors to reward hosts that deliver a great experience to guests. Focus on these factors to optimize your listing.
Let's understand why you might not be able to see your listing in the Search Results:
1) Your location might have more than 300 listings. For ease of display, Airbnb only displays 300 listings at a time and thus some listings, beyond 300, might not appear during a general location search without any filters.
However, if you make use of the multiple search filters that Airbnb has to offer (like Dates, No. of Guests, Room type, Price Range etc.) then you can perform a more specific and narrowed down search which might reduce the search results and your listing will then show up if it matches the filter criteria.
*Please note that, most guests make use of the filters while searching for a vacation home.
2) You can also make use of the map by zooming in closer to your location if your looking at a very large area. Use the '+' button to zoom in and '-' to zoom out. Reducing the area will further reduce the results and you will be able to see your listing. Don't forget to click on the "Redo Search Here" button on the top.
If your listing still continues to not appears,
3) Check if it is "Listed" and not in the "Delisted" mode. To do this, visit your Dashboard >> Your Lisitng >> Manage Listing and Calendar. Expand the Menu options by clicking on the grey icon with 3 horizontal bars on the left top. Look up at the bottom of the Menu that emerges to see if your listing is active. It should appear as "Listed" with a green dot. If it doesn't click on the drop down menu and change it to listed.
4) Still can't see it? Ask the Community to see if any of the members are able to see it on searching with relevant filters.
4) Yet no luck? Please get in touch with Airbnb and they shall definitely resolve your problem.
Happy Hosting 🙂
Updated - additional information added:
For hosts searching for your Instant Book listing, @Clare0 has created a great guide here in the Community Center sharing an overview of how this works. To view her guide take a look here.
Hi Lizze,
I just listed my apartment for a few days. I have 3 bookings confirmed 2 days after listed. That's good.
After being quite for 2 days, I logout and try to browse my listing as below.
Then, I got the message "This listing is no longer available." but the the status remain as "listed".
So, I have the same issue of many hosts here. Please advise what should I do to resolve this issue. Thanks.
To all,
For the hosts who face the same issue, would be great to have your advise how you get through this in your case.
Hello @Vincent126,
Lovely to meet you.
I have just had a search for your listing and I applied some filters to my search, once I zoomed into the map of Manchester, I was able to find your listing:
I hope this helps and puts you mind at rest that your listing is all active and visible.
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.
Can anyone see if you can find my listing?
I've tried incognito mode searches, snooze and unsnooze, filtered searches etc.
Any help is greatly appreciated. I got laid off and am desperately trying to get the ball rolling here.
@Lauren91 Judging from the listing number, it would appear this is a very new listing. When did you first publish it? It takes about 24 to 36 hours for Airbnb's search database to be updated with new listings. Please advise!
Can't even find mine on the map!! Don't know why this has happened. Definitely not near 300 listings in my area.
Hi Helen. I unlisted for a day and relisted on advice from a community member. No luck. Still not on map.
I can't seem to view my listing even when searching from my friend's account. Please help. Used to be getting bookings every week. Then I had to stop for a month, did not even unlist it, just blocked the dates. Now that I can airbnb my place out again, I unblocked those dates but haven't got any bookigns since.
Hello fellow hosts, I have encountered the same problem. Winter is not the peak season in the city where I rent the apartment, but lalety the requests amount I get have dropped dramatically. It didn't take long to find out, why - not only my listing is not in the search results, no matter what filters I apply, it's not even on the map. Did any of you manage to contact the airbnb staff in some way? Did it help?
Same problem. We have had no bookings. Not on map. Don't feature under filters either
@Milda0 I just did a search in your area for an Entire Home, 4 guests for January 27 to January 29 and your listing was at the top of the first page.
You are definitely in search results!
Thank you, I turned on instant booking this morning, also contacted airbnb on twitter. Maybe it helped. Yay! 🙂
We can't find our listings ( 5 of them) when we search for Galle We have checked our location and the map is fine, we are verified and regularly update but still don't come up in search for Galle Sri Lanka.
Any help appreciated.
Same issue here... was coming up in searches this past weekend and then it just stopped showing up - 100% of the time. You can search any dates, zoom directly in, it still doesn't show up. First idea was it is a browser issue, clear your cache, etc... nothing works. It just doesn't show up. I'm going to snooze for an hour and re-list to see if that helps.. frustrating.