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Hello hosts!
I hope you're all having a fantastic day! I wanted to bring up a topic that can really enhance our guest...
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I would like to propose to AIRBNB that the term entire home be changed to unshared space. The reason why I propose this is that guests often misinterpret the meaning of entire place as every room in the house will be available to you, where in fact it means that there are no other people in the space while you are there. this is particularly an issue when you have 1 or 2 bedrooms open at all times and an extra bedroom available for an extra fee. In our case we have 3 bedrooms listed but charge more if you want to use the third bedroom. We have had guests state that they require all three rooms to be open because the term entire house is used. If the term was unshared space it would better represent the meaning of this option.
You need another listing
Listing 1 = 2 bedrooms available
Listing 2 = 3 bedrooms available
Link the calendars to stop double bookings.
Hi, Lisa, I just lost 6 guests for 2 nights because they saw "Entire home" on my listing even though we plainly describe our private upstairs guest suite as not renting the whole house. There's GOT to be another way to classify our guest suite without leading guests to think they get my whole house.
@Brett-and-Val0 There is an option "Entire Guest Suite". - Change your listing to that!
Well, that's the problem, I did select Entire Guest Suite, so that part is correct, but the listing still says "Entire Home". But thanks for the input
Someone near me has his listing descibed as "Entire Guest Suite" - so it must be possible! And someone else has "Entire loft".
Yes, our listing is describe as "Entire Guest Suite", but look at his listing. Right below "Entire guest suite hosted by . . . ." you'll see "Entire home". Check it out
Helen, let me know what you find? Thanks! because if he's able to say "Entire guest suite" and NOT have it show as "Entire home", I'd like to know what the magical settings would be to get there. Thanks!
@Brett-and-Val0 Ah! Sorry! - Same as yours! ( But the "Entire home" DOES appear between TWO mentions of "Entire Guest Suite" , does it not? - Guest's fault if s/he fails to spot???
@Brett-and-Val0 Yes, it says "Entire Guest Suite hosted by..." - That's clear! - I agree there is then the 'Entire home' below, but it IS qualified by 'Entire Guest Suite' - so it's pretty clear.
What I do is state things a guest might find fault with in the description, i.e. make the first line of your listing "Be aware, this is the whole top floor, not the whole house." And save a standard message, so that when someone books/enquires the first thing they read from you is "Are you aware that this listing is the entire upstairs guest suite, not the whole house?"
- I do the same with newbies of people I think might not of read, i.e. "Are you aware I live here too, it's a shared bathroom & I have a dog?" - No more dissatisfied customers who thought they were getting the whole place!
Yeah, I just wish it didn't say "Entire home" at all. Some guests don't seem to want to read our listing and just get entranced on "Entire home". It is NOT the Entire home, why does it have to say it at all?
just now, I informed another guest that didn't read my entire listing and assumed it was the whole house, and now he's backing out of an 11 day 3 guest reservation. grrrr
I spent 40 minutes with AirBNB and they told me that if our suite has a private separate entrance and the entire space I'm renting is completely private, even though its not the ENTIRE home, AirBNB considers it "Entire home". Its got 3 bedrooms, a common room and Bathroom, all private, just so you know what I'm talking about.
I will CONTINUE to have issues with guests thinking they're renting my entire home