improving listing

improving listing



How do you think I can make my listing more captivating and trustworthy for future guests. Because I have not been receiving much booking this year. Wondering what could be missing.




Thank you.


Marie Ange


[Listing link added by OCM]


2 Replies 2
Level 10
Oxford, United Kingdom

@Marie-Ange62 For me, your listing looks great from the photos (although photos 13 & 14 not so great). But I think you need to add a lot more detail in the written description. 


All you say is 

"This peaceful place offers a relaxing stay for the whole family.
You can walk to the beach, one of the most beautiful on the island."
Your description should be at least 500 words or more. 
Guests may also be discouraged by the lack of safety features such as a smoke alarm etc. 
I wouldn't book your place without having to ask a lot of questions first, because you give such scant information. So, it may be that guests find it easier to book another place with a detailed description than bother to message you to ask for details. 

Hi @Marie-Ange62 your listing looks great! But these tips may help your listing to be more captivating and trustworthy. 


-Invest in professional or high-quality photographs of your space. Ensure good lighting and show off the unique features of your property. Include pictures of all areas guests will have access to. Write a detailed description of your space, including the amenities, the layout, and any unique features or quirks. Be honest about any potential drawbacks (like a noisy street) to set the right expectations.

-If your property has any unique selling points (such as a great view, historical significance, or proximity to attractions), make sure these are prominently featured in your listing. Respond quickly and warmly to inquiries and questions. This shows potential guests that you are attentive and approachable.

-Encourage guests to leave reviews after their stay. Positive reviews and high ratings can significantly boost the trustworthiness of your listing. Provide information about the local area, such as favorite restaurants, parks, or hidden gems. This can be done in your description or in a welcome guide in the property.

-Keep your listing up-to-date, especially regarding availability, pricing, and any new features or amenities you have added. Offer amenities that add value to your guests’ stay. This could include things like high-speed internet, a coffee machine, basic toiletries, or even a welcome basket. Hope this helps!