AirBnB Should Be Ashamed of Themselves

Level 4
Knoxville, TN

AirBnB Should Be Ashamed of Themselves

You "AirBnB" have a lot of nerve to think you can control others financials. For you to arbitrarily refund without discussing with us property owners, is outright rude, unprofessional and it's almost strong arm tactics, since we have no say in the matter.  What's next refund 100% because the roads are icy. Who is to say that won't happen again?  While I agree, there is a health issue at hand. The severity of up was hyped up by the media, with the liberals initiating it, it's not rocket science follow the trail. 
Airbnb extenuating circumstances should not blanket everyone together. There is no travel advisories in my state "fact". There are no travel advisories for most of the guests I had booked.  This isn't Europe, this isn't China "ground zero" the people responsible for this.  They cancelled because our big ears festival was cancelled, fact.  What's next? Elton John stubs his toe, and cancels, is that going to happen? Is AirBnB going to implement  new extenuating exceptions, forcing us to fully refund because Elton cancels? Or wait, the restaurant Not Watson's here on market square is closing because of the hyped panic and cancels all the reservations.  And the guests cancel because their favorite restaurant cancels.  Are you going to give those guests a full refund to?
If you care as much about the owners as you do the guests/clients, you would do this the proper and professional way.  Each state, each country should be looked at separately, as stated above my state has no restrictions.  You should have asked our opinion, I started communications with my clients/guests "not yours" when this all started explaining to them that while I would not refund, I would offer them a certificate for a future stay.  That is the proper way to do things, give options minimally, but instead you chose to change the rules and policies in effect on our properties, on your own.
I am happy AirBnB is protecting future sales and bookings, just sucks we the owners who do all the work, get screwed in the process!


26 Replies 26

We’re in the middle of a pandemic...I’m not sure what you’re expecting. The cancellations aren’t just going to be due to travel advisories. If someone becomes ill they must self-quarantine themselves. This is a social distancing protocol and they have no control over whether or not they get sick. If a child’s school closes down, parents may have to stay with their kids unexpectedly. 

Not everyone is sick, your state may be different.  My state has no restrictions or travel advisories.  I have guests cancelling simply because there concert was cancelled.  They merely used an excuse.


AirBnB blanket rule to refund 100% without proper facts and verification.  If the parent has to stay home, so what.  What's next? Guest are gonna use this now whenever they want whether legitimate or not.


You call it whatever you want, it is nothing like a pandemic.  It is all media "fact"

I expect nothing and certainly  not surprised AirBnB has answered why the blanket rule for all, when they in fact stated they did a lot of thinking.


They also mentioned finding a balance? Where is the balance here.  I lost $15000.00 because of their desire to protect there future.


Why doesn't The Host Guarantee pay for these refunds. Am I the only one seeing this 

Level 5
Long Beach, CA

Airbnbs "host guarantee' should pay for  mandatory refunds 

100% Agree!

Level 10
Chicago, IL

Frankly,  you should grow the **** up.

From Chicago?  no surprise with your replies.  You must be an insider for AirBnB or wait, just spamming others posts without any clear intelligible words or brain thoughts just to get your level up. 

@Dean70  10 is the highest level possible on this forum, which @Kenneth12 reached long ago, he's a regular contributor here- both a host and a guest. And I doubt that anyone cares what their forum level is, since all it is, is a measure of one's forum activity.

Just because someone disagrees with the tone or content of your post doesn't mean they have anything to do with Airbnb corporate.

Mind your business, Kenneth is a big boy.  And I quite frankly could care less what level any of you are at.  If you disagree, then say I disagree.  Do not try and hijack my thread with your immature words and behavior

Level 2
Phoenix, AZ

"Airbnbs "host guarantee' should pay for  mandatory refunds "


100% agree, Airbnb LISTEN UP, take action, afterall us hosts are the reason why your the number one hospitality company.

I lost you with the liberal media nonsense.

Level 6
Berlin, Germany

Let us all switch to Homeaway!

Level 4
Erkrath, Germany

airbnb hat wieder deutlich gemacht was er von seinen 'Host's' hält. da nützt alles 'ihr seit so toll', 'ihr macht klasse arbeit' und 'wir respektieren Euch' Gelaber alles nichts. 
Meiner Meinung nach werden wir hier als Idioten behandelt.
Ich habe nach 2 sehr unerfreulichen Erlebnissen mit sogenannten 'Supportern' mein Engagement mit airbnb stark zurückgefahren und setze mehr auf andere und auf direkten Vertrieb.
Die ganze Entwicklung bei airbnb (Börsengang/hohe Verluste/Probleme mit der Sicherheit) zeigen, dass hier einiges nicht mehr stimmt.  Ich kann nur jedem raten sich NICHT nur auf airbnb zu verlassen und vor allen Dingen nicht auf dieses 'Zuckermaul' geredet reinzufallen.

Level 10
Chicago, IL

I do not wish to conduct a personal attack,  but will point out that the host who posted this appears to be a minister in Tennessee.  

I am wondering if they still believe the novel coronavirus is not a threat?

I have been looking around this forum hoping that someone has asked about appropriate disinfection and remediation measures for hosts to take.   The US,  unfortunately-- and other countries,  does not seem to have health services distributing such information.

Hosts of all sizes should be fully sanitizing surfaces with wipe-down cleaning and other measures according to WHO or other guidelines every 2 days,  and taking other measures to insure than the virus cannot gain entry when people come into their houses / spaces.

If that doesn't happen nationally,  quickly,   then we are all headed to WHO/pandemic protocol "Step 13:"  cordone sanitaire,   block-by-block impermeable sanitary cordons shutting down normal life.

In which case the 20 or so threads we have now,  blaming Airbnb (which surely can't pay for the loss without bankrupting itself) for the loss,   will seem even more petty and out-of-place than they do now.

I know information is sparse and poor and often inaccurate-- but the need for co-ordinated and appropriate action could not be higher.  Every mistake we make is literally taking lives,  down the line.