Hello CC and ABB readers. As of midnight tonight New Zealand...
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Hello CC and ABB readers. As of midnight tonight New Zealand will be in Stage 4 lock down. There are serious concerning conse...
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Hello CC and ABB readers.
As of midnight tonight New Zealand will be in Stage 4 lock down.
There are serious concerning consequences to this, including short term travelers who have had to change flight / airlines due to cancellations and having no where safe as such to stay for self quarantine.
Hostels have people coming and going and no one knows who those people may be interacting with.
ABB Hosts in private homes used to be able to cater for these people who are feeling quite alienated and lost, helpless and in despair.
Today I meet a young French lady from Brittany, Camille, who had just arrived in Auckland after her 12 months in Australia and was due to have 12 months in New Zealand on a working holiday visa.
Due to all the flight cancellations she has had 2 airlines cancel on her, Qatar & Etihad airlines, and is flying out again to return to France, all going well on Friday.
This is due to all the disruption that those who generated this nightmare that started in Wuhan, China in November last year.
I told her it's a blessing in disguise not to be traveling with either of those airlines as a number of corona virus cases reported in New Zealand travelers have been on those 2 airlines.
The disruption to innocent people going about their lives is criminal.
What are our Governments doing to ensure those who have created such world wide disruption to our lives are held to account under International Human Rights Laws?
May I suggest we all start to ask questions of our Politicians what steps they have taken, and are going to take to ensure those behind the despicable and inhumane acts are held to account.
Take care, stop and ask people who are on their own if they are Ok and show compassion to those who one may see wandering with back packs or luggage - at a reasonable distance of course.
We are all someone's child, family member and friend and so are those who may be on our shores.
There are Camille's all over the world who may well be walking in the same shoes.
To our Governments who have imposed Lock Downs, please spare a thought for these people , who could be your own child, and make sure they have somewhere safe to stay.
They are our "Hidden Homeless"
Answered! Go to Top Answer
sorry about typo mistakes, internet is all over the place with access.
That Guideline document was written in 2017 & is easy to find online.
It's "reasonable" to expect to be outdoors enjoying ones life wherever one lives worldwide and not to be detained without good reason.
As a couple from Bristol, UK have said that is published in the UK, it's like a 6th form high school experiment, media coverage is beyond belief.
All of this is being pushed in our lives by people who simply lack common sense and real knowledge of laws and diseases.
New Zealand is now at Primary school level 3 stage of lockdown.
Let's say as I've said throughout, some of those who have created this unfortunate situation we have all found ourselves in have rightly so been getting hauled into line for their poor research practices and blanket approach.
You may like to look up Sir Ray Avery and Simon Thornley's excellent news articles that put things into perspective who is telling porkies and failing miserably in their Duty Of Care to all the people of New Zealand.
Very much looking forward to the proverbial hitting the fan come New Zealand's election time later this year.
For those of you who are coming into spring & summer who love swimming, sailing and surfing and in general the great outdoors for your health & well being, look up under "news" what's happening elsewhere in the world with those activities where countries have been put into lockdowns and travel means have been disrupted.
Write to your local government and Heads of States, Prime Minister, Head of Commonwealth and include a link to WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION pages where in 2018 where they promoted "Getting Active" and partaking in exercise to keep healthy!
There's a thing called "common sense"
We have Health Resorts throughout the world which were created as tourist spots for all travellers, local & international in the late 1800's early 1900's under various programs and laws, Scenery Preservation Act 1906, Domains Acts 1840's and 1880's etc for the betterment of everyone in society.
It's timely to bring to the fore what sage people before us did for our betterment.
They planted berries of various species, blackberries, blue berries, redcurrants, boysenberries etc along the way up hills, on fields & along roadsides to ensure travellers had a natural food source to eat as they went about their day.
They also fed the birds and insects.
We are all in this world together to help one another wherever we are
I'm very pleased to advise that we here in New Zealand are now finally down to level 2 lockdown.
The Labour & Green Party Government were trying to sneak through Parliament having Level 2 imposed on us for 2 years.
Thankfully those who found out about it, spoke up & at this stage it's set as for 3 months with a review in the next week or so.
No one wants borders locked for up to 2 years without international travel whilst some explore and/ or develop a vaccine.
The world has people from many different countries in many different countries at any given time which is one's right to do.
There are people in the twilight years of their lives who are champing at the bit to carry out their travel plans, some of whom have dreamed & planned to see the wider world for a long time.
We should all be mindful of what these same people have been through with Wars & The Depression era that most of us will never experience.
It's the 65 plus generation who are missing out seeing their families, friends & loved ones who they left behind to start life in distant lands, around the end of World War 2 & other later wars between countries who should be allowed to see there loved ones before it's to late.
Not everyone is fortunate to have their family & relations in the same country they were born in, or grew up & have worked in.
Take care folks
We are in Level 1 Lockdown still in New Zealand.
There's been a few resignations from Politicians, including Health Minister and a few Judicial Review cases within our Court systems.
Families are still missing out on seeing their loved ones before they pass away or attend funerals despite now at least 2 decisions advising the Government to allow people to be able to see family & attend them.
Those in charge of Covid19 matters at the coalface should have learnt there lesson by now and also read case law from Pretoria where a judge ruled the denial of such basic legal rights to say farewell to be "irrational".
There's pending Court cases involving our Director General of Health & Andrew Borrowdale who has spent part of his life writing laws, which the legal fraternity have gathered together to seek answers & understanding on aspects of law.
A few people are alleged to have "escaped" Quarantine.
One of those this week is believed to be that of a successful family businessman based in Ireland & Scotland, who has in the past donated monies to the Conservatives, who also lives in New Zealand.
Interesting times ahead as we are still stuck with "arbitrary quarantines" of 14 days to people traveling to NZ at great expense of people's well being and the economy, whilst the UK is allowing people from over 50 countries entry without such restrictions.
Self quarantine is way to fight Corona virus. We need to think before go out. Any how we have to broke this deadly chain.
For those who may have heard Auckland is currently in a Level 3 lockdown for 3 days & the rest of New Zealand at Level 2.
The person who originally has been tested bc they had a "fever & a cough", works in at a company called AMERICACOOL in the FREEZER.
The Director General of Health & some "scientists/ advisors" here are suggesting Covid19 may have been spread through FROZEN FOOD PACKAGING!!!!
It's also the midst of winter here in NZ, so it's influenza season.
We have had a couple of weeks of heavy rain so as to be expected across the country people who were caught in the rain & who may not have been wearing warm woollen clothing & rain jackets may be more likely to become unwell .
All things in chronological order and context.
BTW, PM Arden & Director General of Health didn't "consult" in Parliament with the opposition parties before taking a blanket approach to restrict the people of & in New Zealand's legal rights.
ARDERN & BLOOMFIELD & those calling the shots went from level 1 lockdown to level 3 with NO in btwn levels in Auckland.
What we have been preached by our PM & Director General of Health is different to that of what's on Official Guidance advice website.
There's also currently in the New Zealand Court/ Justice system, a Judicial Review challenging the legality of aspects of our unfortunate situations that have arisen
The person who has in their wisdom challenged it, Andrew Borrowdale, has previously drafted & written Legislation for Parliament in New Zealand.
The New Zealand Law Society also made submissions & the hearing was Livestreamed to Law Students in the 3 Universities that people can learn Law in NZ.
Documents relating to this matter of "Public Importance" is available online using related names & keywords.
We are currently awaiting a decision on the matter.
Legislation oft has more holes than a sieve.
The lawyer who opposed people "compassionate leave" to see loved ones & attend funerals has now lost 2 cases in Court. He's an Immigration lawyer.
It appears some people calling the shots should perhaps be held to account for sloppy practices & failing to abide by the law.
Anyone up for a game of darts????
Correction, the company name is AMERICOOL, which is an international company.
Naturally we would expect those employed at this company, & similar such ones to disclose to their Doctor & Health Authorities if they use , or are exposed to Imitation Tobacco / cigarettes to establish if their illness is from such use or related to it.
We all have a Duty of Care.
Whilst those conversations may be challenging, it's for the betterment of all such disclosures are made as acting with integrity & transparency is the least responsible people would do.
Is there anyone in CC who works, or knows people employed in other countries where Americool is who know what past statistics are for yearly medical conditions like influenza, pneumonia or environmental factors that have resulted in time off work? Including by multiple staff?
I'll get it correct yet, the company is AMERICOLD
Air New Zealand our international airline has also announced it's put on hold flights to Australia until the end of October.
That in itself is sad & most unfortunate as Air New Zealand & the people of New Zealand and those who have supported it should be celebrating it's 80th anniversary this year.
Come on @Airbnb it's time to step up & help get international travel up and running again
Around the world Coronavirus Cases: 23,106,706, Total deaths: 802,950
Will we die?
Case Testing the Legal Basis for New Zealand's Covid 19 Response is heard .
Judicial Review decision that Law Writer Andrew Borrowdale took through the New Zealand Courts of Law that needed to be done for the betterment of the people of New Zealand across the world is in here.
Our Civil Rights, under the New Zealand Bill of Rights were deemed to be in breach in March to April 2020 for 9 days and nights.
Those with a sharp eye will be able to see what took place unlawfully in New Zealand during that time-frame.
Note the Historic References quoted in the decision, read them and learn from them.
@Lizzie @Quincy @Airbnb @Stephanie @Anna @Catherine-Powell @Liv @Katie @Nick @Laura_C @Sergi @Ian-And-Anne-Marie0
@Fred13 and @everyone-else
Andrew Borrowdale has applied to the Courts here in New Zealand for an appeal of the Judicial Review in relation to the legality of the lockdown in New Zealand.
He raises concerns about "Vital issues relating to Human Rights , Constitutional Law and the proper interpretation of the Statues".
Appeal filed over legality of Coronavirus Lockdown
Thank the Lord above, our borders are finally back open to those living in Australia as of today, 19 April 2021.
A HUGE OPEN ARMED Welcome Back to those of you who are coming over for whatever reason, you have been greatly missed.
I would be very happy to see you with open arms in my home once again.
If my private room is not suitable for whatever reason, e.g you require accommodation for more than one person, please message me as I know other Hosts in my location who I can highly recommend!!
See you soon!!
Central To All Home & Location, Remuera, Auckland, New Zealand
As I write 2 planes have flown over..
To my fellow New Zealander's, remember to check if the Government has or has not signed off an official Gazette Notice and published it in required places as is understood to be required by Laws.
Have a great day where-ever you are, see you all soon we hope.