In the UK, the AirBnB extenuating circumstances for Covid-19...
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In the UK, the AirBnB extenuating circumstances for Covid-19 only allows us to cancel bookings up to 14th April. This is absu...
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Hello CC and ABB readers.
As of midnight tonight New Zealand will be in Stage 4 lock down.
There are serious concerning consequences to this, including short term travelers who have had to change flight / airlines due to cancellations and having no where safe as such to stay for self quarantine.
Hostels have people coming and going and no one knows who those people may be interacting with.
ABB Hosts in private homes used to be able to cater for these people who are feeling quite alienated and lost, helpless and in despair.
Today I meet a young French lady from Brittany, Camille, who had just arrived in Auckland after her 12 months in Australia and was due to have 12 months in New Zealand on a working holiday visa.
Due to all the flight cancellations she has had 2 airlines cancel on her, Qatar & Etihad airlines, and is flying out again to return to France, all going well on Friday.
This is due to all the disruption that those who generated this nightmare that started in Wuhan, China in November last year.
I told her it's a blessing in disguise not to be traveling with either of those airlines as a number of corona virus cases reported in New Zealand travelers have been on those 2 airlines.
The disruption to innocent people going about their lives is criminal.
What are our Governments doing to ensure those who have created such world wide disruption to our lives are held to account under International Human Rights Laws?
May I suggest we all start to ask questions of our Politicians what steps they have taken, and are going to take to ensure those behind the despicable and inhumane acts are held to account.
Take care, stop and ask people who are on their own if they are Ok and show compassion to those who one may see wandering with back packs or luggage - at a reasonable distance of course.
We are all someone's child, family member and friend and so are those who may be on our shores.
There are Camille's all over the world who may well be walking in the same shoes.
To our Governments who have imposed Lock Downs, please spare a thought for these people , who could be your own child, and make sure they have somewhere safe to stay.
They are our "Hidden Homeless"
Answered! Go to Top Answer
Corona Virus Brits Stuck in New Zealand feel abandoned by the UK Government
Come on fellow New Zealand citizens who have ABB rooms and properties share the love to all those who are caught in the midst of our Hidden Homelessness and offer your room to these people caught in the midst of political fighting which is the guts of what Corona virus is about.
@Airbnbshouldn't this be where you step up and ensure that we are matched up to ensure the "Hidden Homeless" have somewhere safe to stay to ride out the lockdowns in place?
I've done my bit and contacted Laura so awaiting to see if I can help out in accordance with laws in place.
@Lizzie @Stephanie @Francesca @Sergi @Quincy would you please be able to tag those in NZ , including Ria, Laura, Terri and others in here to bring this to their attention?
Please share if you know anyone in general terms who is stuck here in New Zealand, or elsewhere so we can do our best to accommodate these "Hidden Homeless" people due to Lock downs in our countries enforced on us by Politicians and WHO.
Thanks in advance
Central To All Home & Location
Remuera, Auckland, New Zealand
Unfortunately, or rather fortunately, I don't know anyone who is stuck somewhere at the moment. Some friends of friends were stuck abroad for a time, but have all safely made it home now. I will certainly keep an ear out though.
Please read in conjunction with this topic as everyone has the right to safety and a home away from home in times of need.
Guests please ensure Hosts know your flight arrival details prior to booking any accommodation so they can guide you appropriately if others have been Covid19 infected on your flights that you may not know about.
Airlines Corona virus Covid 19 reported cases
@Helen427 Here is a list of around 100 hotels where the homeless can stay and this information is being shared by the British consulate.
Best they stay as close as possible to the airport Incase they are shipped out.
According to C19 NZ website guidelines wherever you are at midnight that is the place you need to stay for the next 30 days.
I think to minimise spread of C -19 any AirBNB needs to be a complete stand alone if they are going to host tourists. The last thing we need is to spread this. We can’t afford to lose our Kuia and Komatua .
Aroha Nui
@Ria16, those people have already reached out to the British Consulate and other places.
I also tried calling those numbers to either get no connection or dropped lines.
It's simply not wise to have everyone flying around in the way people have been told "Go back home" as it's an airborne virus and clearly some of the stats coming through indicate it's the same airlines and planes and/ or staff on them spreading it.
We have no idea how many aircrew/ airport staff have got it world wide.
It in some ways may have been better if things were addressed with people in different countries staying put and reporting in to the authorities like under The Aliens Act we used to have and maybe it needs to be brought to the fore again until things settle down.
Some of those places listed are simply way out of reach for the average person unless claiming things on Business, even then, there's many a well off person who prefers to stay in ABB than a hotel these days.
@Helen427 It’s not an airborne virus!
The virus doesn’t move, people move it , We stop moving , the virus stops moving and will die hence the constant advice to wash your hands and sneeze into your elbow. .
It’s that simple!
Enjoy your lockdown and your mental health breaks out into your local park for fresh air and exercise.
Day 1 of our 30 days.
Stay safe.
It is in fact airborne, and been confined & flying in airconditioned aircraft is causing it to keep spreading.
One only has to look throughout the list of reported cases in New Zealand's Ministry of Health website to see a repeated pattern of the same flight numbers of planes on different dates e.g Qatar Airlines flight #0920 & destinations to see it is based on the balance of probabilities airborne.
WHO must wake up to this and up there standards of Duty of Care to all people & move with the times as there Best Practice is not up to 2020 era of living.
Airconditioning is one of the worst things to spread any disease, including Legionnaires disease.
@Helen427 It’s not airborne unless somebody sneezed in your face! But easy to stick onto toilet doors, meal trays, arm rests, safety belts.
Measles is airborne C-19 isn’t.
I have to go to work. Stay home and be safe.
@Ria16 There's debate online as to if it is or isn't airborne, we must all keep an open mind as to how these things have traveled.
I have pharmacist friends who have also said it is airborne.
Some of the given symptoms are similar to Legionnaires Disease which is also airborne through dirty air conditioning units and planes do have air that is stale and droplets.
It was a beautiful day to go out and enjoy a wander in the fresh air and meet other like minded people enjoying the great outdoors of New Zealand, as we are all allowed to and a basic fundamental Human Right.
Lots of lovely French people on out shores at the moment who have all had flights and their holidays disrupted.
It was also nice to see our local supermarket owner back on deck as he had been in 14 days self care from when he arrived back home.
Life is beautiful when one is so blessed to go out and enjoy our freedom.
Police who we saw on our travels were also in jovial moods so generally positive all around.
This may help some people.
I have a house full already.
Good on you @Terri38 if you have opened your home to those requiring somewhere to self isolate - we need more compassionate people like yourself.
A little common sense with some wouldn't go astray.
Did you contact one of the helplines?
I tried to call them during the week but lines were down and dropped off.
On our walks we have meet a number of displaced people who are struggling to understand why we are been subjected to what we are when most people exercise common sense.
#Good On Ye Mate!! to all the over 70's showing leadership and self help in our communities who have been venturing outside to exercise and partake in normal day to day activities as we are in the situation we find ourselves in.
Life for those 70 plus is an important time to enjoy, seek friendship and be who you are.
Thanks to all over 70's we have meet in our lives who have provided inspiration to us younger ones.
Let's hope our leaders see common sense and stop using a Blanket approach that older people must stay at home as you are all a valued part of our society to.
Keep on kicking on.
Today in New Zealand we have had yet another beautiful, sunny Autumn day.
It's still daylight here, almost completely clear blue skies and sun is shining.
We are so blessed to be in the country we are to get our much needed Vitamin D.
Thought's and best wishes to good health wherever you are in the world
New Zealand has a Ministry of Health Guidelines document, " Infectious Diseases Guidelines management Public health Act 1956, does your country have the same type of document / Code of Practice?
If so, read it, ask questions why you are under arbitrary lock down.
There's questions to be asked of Health Ministers/ Directors to be answered / documents leading up to borders been closed,peoples lives been disrupted without good reason.
It's clear that there's been a serious failure to adhere to Thers Spirit & intent of Public Health Acts.
One can only be detained 72hrs IF they have symptoms of a disease.