Covid19 - Testing Temperatures of Guest?

Level 1
Johannesburg, ZA

Covid19 - Testing Temperatures of Guest?

Dear Community,


I am based in South Africa, where we have just hit 150 cases and expect the number to increase quite significantly.


As I have a shared space AirBnB, I was wondering if any of you in a similar setup have screened your guests with electronic themometers. Firstly, does this infringe on peoples rights (I am not a legal professional) and secondly, how was it taken by guests?


Looking forward to your feedback.

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Ogaga0  Taking people's temperature is pointless. People can have an elevated temperature for any number of reasons. And what would you do, take their temperature on the doorstep and then turn them away if it wasn't normal? 

This virus has an incubation period of 14 days and even people who never have any symptoms can be carriers, so temperature taking doesn't protect you at all.

If this is going to get under control and not end up infecting millions of people, everyone needs to stay home right now.. Many hosts have shut down their listings completely. Our lives are worth more than money.

Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

Some are asymptomatic yet spread. Best to buckle down for a bit, weather the storm if you can.

Level 7
Winchcombe, GB

Please just don't accept ANY guest from ANYWHERE at ANY TIME until this pandemic ends. Join Airbnb Hosts United on Facebook for sensible discussions amongst hosts.