Arnaque appartement étudiant

Level 2
Saint-Paulet-de-Caisson, France

Arnaque appartement étudiant

Autre exemple d'arnaque ? Je crains la même chose pour mon fils étudiant. Comment s'assurer que le bien existe avant de louer ? La pratique ci dessous vous semble correcte ? "You are a very nice person and I can assure you we will not have any problems. I will try explaining the process step by step how this will work. I have my property listed in a private section on Airbnb and I will send you the link to make the booking. First you must reserve the property via Airbnb for one month and after you've made the booking, Airbnb will send you via email the invoice with all details about your booking. You have 24 hours to confirm the payment and your booking will be confirmed. The agent will come for inspection in 2-3 working days after your payment is confirmed by Airbnb. After your inspection we will sign the contract for a long term period. Once you inspected the property you have two options: Option 1: You will take the property and the agent will give you the contract signed by me and after you've signed the contract Airbnb will release me your money. Option 2: You will tell to the agent that you don't want to rent my property and Airbnb will refund you all money in 48 hours. I've chosen Airbnb because they offer a guarantee for your money and for my property. If you want to continue please send me a photo with your Passport ID or driver license. As soon as I have received this, I will send you the link from Airbnb to make the booking." ?
2 Réponses 2
Level 10
Sigottier, France

Bonjour @Corinne804 

Ca sent l'arnaque... 


You are a very nice person and I can assure you we will not have any problems => Phrase typique pour entourlouper un naif / une naive


 I have my property listed in a private section on Airbnb and I will send you the link to make the booking => Les "sections privées" n'existent pas sur airbnb. C'est sur airbnb ou ca n'y est pas, un point c'est tout. Il veut certainement vous envoyer un lien vers un site frauduleux dont le nom se raprochera d'airbnb, mais "comme c'est une section privée", ce sera légèrement différent, mais en fait ce ne sera PAS DU TOUT airbnb. 


Airbnb will send you via email the invoice with all details about your booking => Airbnb n'envoie JAMAIS de factures. Il faut aller les chercher soi meme sur le site, et aupres de l'hôte (2 facturations différentes)



Avez vous le lien de l'annonce que vous avez vue? Il faut la signaler, c'est une arnaque. 


Level 2
Saint-Paulet-de-Caisson, France

Merci pour votre réponse, je l'ai signalé de suite 

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