review mistake

Level 2
Leiden, Netherlands

review mistake

My guest hardly read the welcome mail I've send him when he made the reservation, also he didn't (or only half) read the arrival guide that airbnb always send 24h before check-in.  As a result he to himself into some misunderstanding, ended up at a wrong adres. I wish he would have contacted me when it happened, so I could have helped him, but he didn't even tell me about it (not even after I've met him in person) apparently he was very irritated anyway, which I wasn't aware of until I read his bad review, where he blamed it all on me for being not correct and being badly organised. When I explained him he admitted that it wasn't my fault and asked me if he could change the review.

On top of that he wrote that I had bad coffee, but when I asked what he means by that, because my guests have a choice of 10 different types of brands and strengths, so how could it all be not good enough for him(?) , he told me that it was a typo-mistake of him.  

So his review gives false information, which he agrees himself also.  Is there any way this can be removed or edited at all???

7 Antwoorden 7
Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello/hallo @Jochem8, I found this article👈 about reviews which says: 


"If you think a review violates the Reviews Policy, you can report it to us. Reviews will be removed if they violate our Reviews Policy, and both the guest and Host will be informed of this decision upon removal."





Please follow the Community Guidelines // Volg de communityrichtlijnen

Level 2
Leiden, Netherlands

Thank you for you reply Quincy.

I've read these articles already, but the current conditions to remove a review don't apply in the 2 key-points of this story. (guest's  type-mistake (1) + not-proper-reading(2) )

There's an update I need to mention;
Air-b-n-b had send me an American tel nr, that I can send to my guest, so he can contact the office directly to discuss this problem. I have forwarded the mail to my guest, and he has opened it as well.

I hope he is willing to take the time and effort to do this for me....

Level 2
Leiden, Netherlands

update dd 16-aug-'24;

one week passed by, so I contacted the guest, asking if he tried to call already. At least he had tried to call the number I've forwarded him, but he was too long on hold, for 1,25 euro per minute. (Europe to usa tel fee), and asked me if there was an email-adres instead. 

I asked for an alternative way for him to contact, they want to call him after he gives permission to airbnb to call him. forwarded the link where he needs to give approval first. 

almost another week passed by again, no news, no update, nothing. 
Now I need to contact the guest again, asking (feels more like 'begging' actually) if he had given his approval. Maybe he did, and there's a new obstacle again. Maybe he didn't, so I need to ask him very polite, like a begger, forced to act friendly and polite, while secretly feeling irritated.

Either way, I can imagine , probably, he must be getting fed-up with it by now. Such a complicated procedure, and so many weeks passed by, why would he care? not his problem...

And I'm also tired wasting time and positive energy on something that only pulls me down...


Level 10
Bilthoven, Netherlands

is your guest from Europe or the USA
If from Europe he can call a number in Amsterdam>

Level 2
Leiden, Netherlands

Hello @Bob297  , 

Thank you for your help, sorry for late reply, I didn't notice your msg before...

The guest is from the same country as you and me (the Netherlands)

Anyway, none of all the 'ambassadors' told me about the option to call to Amsterdam.

Meanwhile, Since my last update/post, a few more emails and phone calls have occurred on this matter.  End of the story was that airbnb told me they were not capable to edit his review anyway, not even after he had send a request (according to their own instructions, while they had even had send him a form were he needed to officially give permission, etc etc etc)

I complained about the fact that they should have told me this from the start.

Why waste so much time, energy, telephone-bills, trouble, (+irritating my guest) , all for nothing ?

The last words were;  "sorry sir, there's nothing we can do to help you, that would be technically impossible, I apologise my colleagues didn't tell you this earlier"....

Level 10
Bilthoven, Netherlands

They can't edit it, but they can remove it

Here are some common reasons why a review might be removed:

  • Fake or fabricated reviews: Reviews that are not based on a real experience or that contain false information can be removed.  
  • Offensive or discriminatory language: Reviews that contain hate speech, threats, or discriminatory language are not tolerated.
  • Personal attacks: Reviews that target individuals personally, rather than the experience, can be removed.
  • Irrelevant content: Reviews that do not relate to the stay or experience can be removed.  
  • Manipulation: Reviews that are manipulated or influenced in a way that violates Airbnb's policies can be removed.  

    You will have to "help" Airbnb support as to why the review should be removed by pointing out which rule should apply

The coffee was not based on a real experience
Not finding your home was also not based on an experience that you to blame.
If a guest does not read instructions, that's the guest fault, not you to blame

Level 2
Leiden, Netherlands

Thank you for your help, Bob.

I've read the list of conditions.

In my communication with the heldesk , I tried to give them a good reason reason to cooperate, and take there worries away that they would be breaking the rules by helping me, by labeling the topic of my problem; 'False review', and also mentioned these 2 arguments, of course.

I also said that if it wasn't possible to change, that It would perhaps be possible to remove the whole review instead. They replied these same words to me, to confirm how it was registered.

It all seemed like if they really tried, and gave me hope that it was all possible, that they were really trying. (they called me back a couple of times, on my telephone, and all that) The only obstacle seemed to be the communication with the guest.

In the end it turned out that me, customer-service, and the guest, were only wasting each others time for no result...

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