25% compensation for cancelled reservations

Level 2
Pembroke Pines, FL

25% compensation for cancelled reservations

Hi All


Similar to many stories, I too am having difficulty getting paid for reservations due to COVID. I had a few reservations that meet Airbnb's criteria around when guests booked and cancelled their reservations. In one instance I would contact Airbnb and ask if certain reservations meet the criteria and the rep said no because the cancellation was made before the 25% announcement was made. When I reviewed Airbnb's policy again and said even if the cancellation was made before the announcement I would still be eligible and sent the screenshot to Airbnb after contacting them again, I was still told I do not qualify for a different reason. The CS rep told me I did not qualify this time because I was the one that contacted them to cancel a reservation. I then sent the CS rep a screenshot of an email I received from Airbnb stating the guest wants to cancel due to COVID and that I had a certain time period to respond. Although I sent that email it did not matter to the CS rep because although the instructions said I am the one that should contact them it should have been the guest. I then replied that doesnt make any sense as the guest was the one that contacted airbnb about cancelling because otherwise, how would i receive the email?


The process was beyond frustrating because of the inconsistent reasons on why I am not eligible and despite evidence provided it's like they just do not want to pay. The CS rep kept saying I would have received an email stating I would receive payout if I qualified. I then asked how if the cancellation was done before the announcement. Then the CS rep would say it's best I wait.


Has anyone else gone through this?

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Bergen, Norway

@Jamila28 either the CS representative has misunderstood or you have happened upon one of the many clueless ones.

According to the latest announcements from airbnb the payout is not immediate but sometime next month as far as I can remember. And it is not 25%, it is 25% of the 50% you would otherwise have gotten under a strict cancellatition policiy.

I suggest you look through the many post on the forum regarding this subject and also the latest announcements from airbnb.