25 percent relief fund goodwill or PR?

Level 10
New York, NY

25 percent relief fund goodwill or PR?

Forget superhost relief I've received a miniscule percentage of the 25 percent assistance. NoINo explanation provided. If its merely an Airbnb private relief program i suppose they can do with their $250 million assuming it's paid out to hosts as they wish even if unethical considering the company pledge.  If ithe funding is the result of government assistance to airbnb meant to support hosts well I m not receiving anything near the promise, paltry.  


I have questions, and there's no one to ask.  Hopefully my situation is an isolated error otherwise I'm guessing im not alone. Promise so far broken and no one to  to address  too at Airbnb. For me anyway the promise was hope and the delivery tragic and shameful. Hopefully it's an error. Bothered that the goodwill PR message is Airbnb is here for hosts. I've hosted well over 500 guests as a superhost consistently. For now Airbnb isn't here for me and further so far the pledge far from honored. 

PR or sincerity? What is going on? Any answer from Airbnb sincerely appreciated. Please contact me.

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

@Ephraim0  sadly this topic has already been covered numerous times .


1. Two funds, one for superhosts with strict cancellation policies. If you are eligible and haven't received funding. Chase them


2. Superhost grant - highly unfair system with a third of total funding going to US hosts and appears from those who have received it, it is going to higher income hosts with two or more whole listings who also have other businesses and income streams. Don't hold your breadth.