365 Review Period not updated

Level 10
Jamestown, CA

365 Review Period not updated


I’ve had two 4 star reviews in 2020. One was July 25-26, 2020. The system updated on July 30, but still shows 2 reviews under 5. Does anyone know how long it takes to drop off? I thought it was 365 days. 


16 Replies 16
Level 10
Alberta, Canada
Level 10
Jamestown, CA

@Colleen253 So they don’t drop off the posted score after a year? I have read several times that they do. One of my neighbors went from a 4.97 to 4.99 with about 120 reviews at the time.  I was told it was because the reviews are based on 365 days. Just trying to understand. 

@Jillian115  The one-year dropoff period only applies to Superhost status. The average rating displayed on your listing is cumulative for the all the years it's been listed.



@Anonymous Oh that’s interesting. I wonder what my neighbor did to change his rating. I’m guessing hours on the phone with CS. I posted about it a while ago and was told it drops off. Thanks. 

 @Jillian115  "I wonder what my neighbor did to change his rating. I'm guessing hours on the phone with CS". Sounds unlikely, but you never know. Anyway,  I'd far rather live with anything less than a 5 star perfect rating than go through that kind of torture 😱. I'd probably even rather light my hair on fire and go to the dentist, actually.

Level 10
Orono, ME

Your overall rating is the average of all your reviews since you started hosting. Only Superhost status is measured by reviews within the last 365 days. That's why a host can have an overall rating of 4.42 and still be a Superhost. 

@Emilia42  I have wondered about that. It's seems to be another flaw in the review system. Hosts who have been listed for a while may appear to the new airbnb guests not keeping up their listing when the reality two or three or four guests over the years thought 4 stars was a great rating! Plus if you make improvements a guest may love it more than before but there is no going back. In my opinion reviews should be based on a rolling calendar too. AAA gives their hotel Diamond ratings on an annual basis.    

@Jillian115  That's a fair point, although the flip side of that is that if several years of solid 5* ratings dropped out of your averages, one single bad review has a drastically heftier impact on your total, giving a retaliatory review from a vindictive or demanding guest that much more power to damage your business. The truly conniving ones out there know they have little ratings leverage against a host with over 100 ratings, so veteran hosts like you aren't their ideal target. That would change overnight if Airbnb followed your proposal.


What hosts would love is for the perfect ratings to stay in the count forever and the less-than-perfect ones to have a phase-out period. These days, there also seems to be a huge vogue for censorship; more than ever before, it seems that the second a guest leaves a non-5-star rating, many hosts feel the only answer is to make it disappear.  I'm personally against thumbs on scales as a matter of principle; if it were up to me the star ratings would be thrown out completely.



@Colleen253 @Anonymous This is the listing I mentioned above was at a 4.97 then went to a 4.99 and today its a 5.00 with 200 reviews. There must be some sort  of reset somewhere. 




@Jillian115 Congratulations, I guess? I'm curious how their quality of life has been impacted by shifting from 4.99 to 5.00. 

@Anonymous  Maybe it did, probably it didn't. I get it you don't think reviews are essential. But I want to know what it takes. It shouldn't be a secret. The guidelines should be clear. My views recently dropped again; at one time, we're over 800 per week today, we are at 362 per week. I would like to understand it and also, I wanted you to know it is not cumulative; as you stated above, there seems to be a secret formula. I want to know what that is.

@Jillian115 I have no idea what’s going on there. Not normal at all. Is it a glitch? Maybe, but it would be the first one in the history of Airbnb to favor a host. 


@Colleen253 It's so strange I don't think it is a glitch because this is the second time they have gone up. I have mentioned it in two separate posts in the past. I would just like to know what it takes. 

@Jillian115 @Colleen253 Could it be that the host called Airbnb and got some reviews removed? I have heard of hosts trying this year's after the fact (when a new review policy comes out) and they have been successful. So to climb from a 4.97 to a 4.99 to a 5.00 it would only take the removal of 2 less than 5-star reviews.