50% refund for nights unused after cancelation due to moderate cancelation policy

50% refund for nights unused after cancelation due to moderate cancelation policy

My last guests canceled after night 3 of 5 and AirBnB gave them a 50% refund on the last two nights because of my moderate cancelation policy and deducted the money from my payout. But on the cancelation policy of my page it doesn't say anything about cancelations once guests have arrived. The client service rep said I have to put it on strict to keep that from being possible. He showed me what AirBnB sends to guests, but it's not the same cancelation info we get as hosts! Has this happened to anyone else? The rep also said he would pass on that I requested a refund of the 200€ they deducted, but he said he doubted I would get it.

10 Replies 10
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


The cancellation policies are listed here. The moderate policy is clear about refunds and it seems to me the system has acted as described.

The cancellation policy can be set by yourself in the listing.

On the first  Cancelation Policy page it only says:


Modérées (Moderate)
Remboursement intégral jusqu'à 5 jours avant l'arrivée (Full refund until 5 days before arrival)
On Moderate it doesn't say anything about clicking through to another page for more information, and it doesn't give all the necessary information to make a fully informed decision. I find that AirBnB does everything they can to make it as difficult as possible to find appropriate information and policy changes. I have since switched back to strict to avoid this problem in the future.
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@David7828  Yes, with the moderate policy, guests who cancel nights during their stay receive a 50% refund for unstayed nights.

This is crazy I didn't know that either.  That's really bad.

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico





Level 10
Marbella, Spain

Thanks for posting this I had no idea either.  Very misleading.

Level 2
Ellijay, GA

I think this is a huge issue.  I am attaching the screen from the setup of a new listing.  Notice that it says nothing about any refund after 5 days.  Also notice that other cancellation policies provide more information and some have links to even more info.  Not the Moderate selection.  I was very, very frustrated with Airbnb.  I had to talk with 5 different reps, each one saying I was absolutley right and this was na oversight.  But no refund to me of the money they gave back to my Guest who stayed one night of 4.  This needs to be addressed by Airbnb.  It is not fair and clearly their mistake.2021-09-27 16_39_23-Edit listing 'Rainbow Riverside Lodge, Unparalleled Beauty' - Airbnb.png


How can they say a host should know about there being a refund after five days under the Moderate Cancellation Policy.  It says nothing in the setup and does not direct a Host to look deeper into the policy manual to find the fine print that completely changes the definition provided on this screen?




  • Free cancellation until 5 days before check-in (time shown in the confirmation email).
  • After that, cancel before check-in and get a 50% refund, minus the first night and service fee.


This is the full policy, and it is incumbent upon hosts to fully inform themselves of all the fine print on all Airbnb policies, because Airbnb is notorious for hiding info or writi g things in an ambiguous way.


The policy as written above is incomplete- it makes no mention of the refund owed if a guest cancels after check-in, only if they cancel before. 


What you should have received is full payment for the first night and 50% for the cancelled nights.



Level 10
Bilthoven, Netherlands

"What you should have received is full payment for the first night and 50% for the cancelled nights."
Why 50% for the cancelled nights? They cancelled after check-in

@Bob297  Look at that colored line cancellation explanation I posted further upthread. It says under the red line part that if a guest cancels during their stay they will be charged for time stayed, plus 24 hours after the cancellation and 50% after that.


So if a guest has a 3 night booking, spends one night, then cancels the next morning, according to that policy, they would be charged in full for the first 2 nights, and receive a 50% refund for the 3rd.