A Memorable Hosting Experience in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Level 1
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

A Memorable Hosting Experience in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Hello fellow hosts!

I wanted to share a heartwarming experience I had as an Airbnb host in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, which truly highlighted the joys of hosting and the unique cultural exchanges we can offer.


I started hosting in Addis Ababa about 4 years ago. The city, known for its rich history and vibrant culture, seemed like the perfect backdrop for a warm and welcoming guest experience. My listing is a cozy, traditional home located in the heart of the city, complete with a private garden.


One of my most memorable experiences was hosting different international volunteers who were in Addis Ababa to work on a community project. From the moment they arrived, I felt a connection with them. They were excited to learn about Ethiopian culture and very respectful of local customs.


I greeted them with a traditional Ethiopian coffee ceremony—a cherished ritual in our culture. Watching their eyes light up as they experienced the rich aroma and unique preparation of the coffee was incredibly rewarding. I also provided them with a local guide to help them explore the city and understand the various landmarks and traditions.


The interaction didn’t stop at coffee. I invited each of them Ethiopian cooking in my kitchen, where they learned how to make injera (the famous sourdough flatbread) and doro wat (spicy chicken stew). The cooking session turned into a lively cultural exchange, with guests sharing their own recipes and stories from their travels.


The guests left glowing reviews, highlighting not just the comfort of the home but also the memorable experiences we shared. They appreciated the personalized touches and the effort I put into making their stay special.


The feedback and the friendships that blossomed from this experience were incredibly fulfilling. It reinforced my belief that hosting is not just about providing a place to stay but about creating memorable experiences and fostering cultural understanding.


Hosting in Addis Ababa has been a deeply enriching experience, and I encourage all hosts to embrace the unique opportunities that come with welcoming guests from around the world.


Happy hosting!

Michael A.

15 Replies 15
Level 2
Coventry, United Kingdom

What an amazing and heartwarming story! thank you for sharing Michael.