
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

AIRBNB inquiry comes through on main booking site as a "booking" when it's still in inquiry phase and blocks my calendar.

Level 2
New York, United States

AIRBNB inquiry comes through on main booking site as a "booking" when it's still in inquiry phase and blocks my calendar.

I had a quote provided to a potential guest on my main booking platform; the guest did not yet book the event, however, a few hours later the quote was pre-empted on our main page because an inquiry came through on AIRBNB. I responded to questions but did not decline nor did I accept because the guest was haggling price and still deciding. While the inquiry was in this holding pattern, my main page received a notice that a booking came through on AIRBNB and it blocked my calendar. The guest did not book. I did not accept or decline yet I was notified of a "booking" and it blocked my calendar. Why is this the case? My guests booking was pre-empted by the AIRBNB push, however, the AIRBNB is not an actual booking.  This seems unfair. What's the story with this?

8 Replies 8
Level 10
Alberta, Canada

@Elizabeth1723 The articles below describe the different ways bookings and communications with guests work on Airbnb. There is Instant Book, Trip Request, and Inquiry. These articles, and more, are available in the Help pages on Airbnb.


Level 2
New York, United States

I see now, however, it seems that the guest drives the inquiry status - i.e., request to book (which appears to block out the calendar because the guest has requested to book) and inquiry.  I'm not set for instant book so I don't believe that to be the issue.  In this case, the guest seems to have "requested to book" but was still haggling with price, hadn't made a decision, was asking questions about location and resources, and in this instance, even though the actual "request" was not accepted or declined the dates were blocked.  @Colleen253 

@Elizabeth1723 When a guest sends a Trip Request, it’s a booking waiting for you to accept or decline, and you have 24 hours to do either. The dates are blocked i. The meantime so that no one else can take them from the guest. This is fair. The price is also set and the guest has already agreed to pay it, so this person ‘haggling’ is wasting their time. You accept it, they pay the listed rate, and the booking is then considered confirmed. Or, you decline it and the dates open back up again.


PS a guest who ‘haggles’ is not a guest worth hosting. Huge red flag. Decline, block and move on. 

appreciate the input, thank you.  

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Elizabeth1723  Did the 24 hour window for you to accept or decline pass while you were still "haggling" with this guest? If so, the dates would be blocked because that's what happens if you don't accept or decline within 24 hours. You can unblock them.


It's rather confusing as to what you are saying. Which request blocked your calendar? Were they both Requests or was one an Inquiry?


FYI you really shouldn't let a request from a guest who insists on haggling and asking a long list of questions, the answers to which can likely be found in your listing info, sit there preventing other bookings and wasting your time. Just decline them and move on.



Level 2
New York, United States

@Sarah977 thanks for the additional guidance.  the request made by the guest on AIRBNB blocked my main calendar, while it was still in the 24 hour review timeframe, and pre-empted a quote (inquiry) that had already been sent to another group on my main booking platform.  I sent a quote through my platform to a guest, an hour or so later, a request to book for the same dates came in on AIRBNB and pre-empted (canceled out ) the first inquiry on my main calendar.  On my end the information said, "you had a booking come in" when indeed it wasn't a booking at all it was a request to book.  I'm aware now of this nuance and will be mindful in the future.  Thanks again and happy new year.  

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Elizabeth1723  I am really bamboozled by what you keep referring to as your "main booking platform" and your "main calendar". Are you referring to a direct booking site you have, or what? 

Thanks again for your input.  Peace.