AIRBNB is a greedy organisation

Level 1
Northcote, Australia

AIRBNB is a greedy organisation

So during a pandemic, people have lost their jobs and here in Australia our corrupt government has said we cant travel overseas for maybe 12 months. I have a $2,003 AUD credit with airbnb due to cancellation of travel. Since I cant travel and lost my job airbnb have refused my request for a full refund and instead issue a voucher. Firstly I cant travel secondly Ive lost my job. Members of airbnb I want to let you know how greedy and insensitive this organisation is yet they happily donate $500,000 to BLM that is looting businesses and people are dying. Shame on you airbnb I will take legal action

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Clare, Australia

@Patrick2023 sorry about your job. This site won't help you, it's a forum for BNB operators. Good luck, and you may try to tone the language down if you want help from the organisation.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Why don’t you use your voucher to have a holiday in Australia as you aren’t working @Patrick202


There is no evidence that BLM are looting or killing people.


Looters associated with the marches have been demonstrated to come from outside the movement. 

@Patrick2023  Airbnb is a for-profit company (or at least it intends to be, whenever it can turn a profit again). Accusing a business of being greedy is like saying the ocean is too wet.


But I don't understand why you feel you can't use your travel credit. Australia is a big country with plenty of places to visit, and if you've lost your job I guess you have some time on your hands now.