
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Admitting to Defeat in Keeping Super Host Status.

Level 10
Hakuba, Japan

Admitting to Defeat in Keeping Super Host Status.


Just received this  message from ABNB the other day.  After surfing the Discussion Rooms for" how to keep our Super Host status "I was surprised at how many hosts actually didn't take their status seriously.

Apparently,  it has no effect on business and it is more of a stick than a carrot.  SIGH! There is so much bad stuff happening at the moment this rant seems trite but it is our business after all. So, here goes.


 I, however,  was surprised that there really is no option other than to admit defeat to the Bot originating message.  I have previously communicated with a Community Support person in Japan but was advised that it is too complicated to change.  I personally don't understand this  new super host policy as we are mandated by the  Japanese sovereign government and it's borders to all foreign travellers are closed, as of today. Our business is 99 percent hosting Australian skiers,  the lack of business isn't our doing yet we are forced to accept the loss of our Super Host merits which we have worked hard for. Is this is a form of punishment or am I being melodramatic?  

Surely a moratorium is not too much to ask during these Covid times? Oh!! I get it it"s about them, not us.


You're so close, Superhost!
On April 1, 2022, we’re returning to our original Superhost requirements and overall, your stats are looking great! You only need to hit one of these goals to keep your status.
2 Replies 2
Level 9
Escondido, CA

You're not the only one. I feel your disappointment. We are just coming out of we think that is that we're just coming out of the covid 19 lockdowns and restrictions. For Airbnb to so quickly go back to the requirement previous to the pandemic is unfair in my opinion. @Alex-And-Rhea0

 Hi Dawn and thanks for your compassion @Dawn81 it's been a tough 2.5 years. I hesitated to use the word unfair as there is so much of that going around these days.  I received a response from a Customer Support person who suggested I write some feedback. I have included it below for everyone to read. Stay well and stay strong! Regards, AJ

I would like to comment on ABNB's new update regarding the upcoming assessment this April which will now go back to normal. I must say as Hosts in Japan are hampered by the sovereign government's mandates, the timing won't work for us.  Foreign tourists are banned here even today.
ABNB is under the delusion that it is continuously improving its policies, standards and processes, but sadly the ONE RING SHALL RULE THEM ALL approach could have only been conceptualised by lazy people who live in ivory towers. Every country's mandate must be considered individually