Air BnB cancelled reservation in error.

Air BnB cancelled reservation in error.

Guys hello.


Some guidance appreciated.


Air BnB cancelled an ongoing reservation at our request (guest needed to cancel), but they cancelled the WRONG one.


They have now cancelled the correct one, but I am sitting on 2 cancelled reservations when there should be one.


Support have made several statements about what needs to be done, but the onus seems to be falling to me and the guest to sort it out. It also relies upon the goodwill of the guest.


Can anyone advise how I can persuade Air BnB to sort out their own problem here?


6 Replies 6
Level 10
Montreal, Canada



Yes, you are right, they made a mistake.

They should correct their mistake and help you … but I’m not surprise with their reaction.


call then and contact them a few time a day until you find someone that can help you.






@Manksco0  It seems like the easiest thing to do would be to ask the guest who was wrongly canceled to re-book. Involving the incompetent customer support staff usually just makes things worse. 




The problem is I would need to recalculate for what is now a short stay, try to work out fees and deductions and the discount that they got.


I know the gross room rate and my net payment. Support initially said "put in your net payment as a special offer price" I queried whether they would then take fees and they went all quiet on me.


I have only been using Air BnB for a couple of weeks and it seems quite challenging at times.


@Manksco0   Click on the Account tab of your profile and go to the Payments & Payouts screen. You should be able to see the amount of your original payout for the booking, so you can calculate your offer based on that. Airbnb's fees are added on top of the amount of your offer, so don't bother with that.


All figures under "details" showing £0.00


I think we should have been receiving £267.02


They have left me in a position where I have someone in our apartment with no contract and, if they choose not to, no obligation to pay.


Still no word from Air BnB. Is there a complaints procedure worth any kind of effort? 

@Manksco0  Complaints procedure? Not really, all the service is outsourced and none of the contractors care the slightest bit about complaints. You can try raising a fuss on Twitter, as they're sensitive about bad press, but you'll never catch them admitting they screwed up. They're literally not allowed to.


And to be sure, this was yet another massive screw-up on their part.


Has the guest indicated any intention not to cooperate with you on the payment? If they're staying in good faith, you can ask the guest for direct payment and block the remaining dates. That's a better deal for the guest, as it bypasses Airbnb's service fee. But it's problematic for you if there's a dispute or damage, since it's no longer covered as an Airbnb booking.