Hi all
I am not sure about anyone else but I cannot even reply to a post. This year has been a horrific year from the Covid, to racial tensions to business' dropping like flies to candle fire. I have never experienced such incompetence as i have with Air BnB during this crisis. No way to contact them, close cases before they even talk to a person, trying to charge me 50.00 when someone out of my province who cannot come here tries to cancel. I have to get my guests to submit paperwork and links otherwise I get charged. They also block out the time that was cancelled! I have been trying to get them to unblock so others in my province can book but I cannot get anyone to help. I have had almost all my reservations cancel as 95% of them are from out of province or out of country!
Thanks Air BnB for your crappy service, I didn't think you were great before, I think you are horrible now.
Looking for alternatives.