Airbnb CS did good job....

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

Airbnb CS did good job....

Today I needed to contact Airbnb CS. Which is very rare, as i useally can solve issues myself.


But due to mistake from a guest the system was disturbed (short: the guest wanted to extend reservation 2 days before it ends,  but let the extension sent to him expire. Then guest paid the money via resolution centre (besides this strange action: at that moment room was not available anymore). I could have used "change" option to change guest to other room and then extend, but then guest would probably be charged again "normally" by the booking system.


Discarding some silly robots thinking they could help me , i ended up in the chat system and after determinating my issue i was rerouted 2 times to another rep. This rep investigated the issue, then called me for some additional info and a proposed solution.

Then rep contacted the guest and within about 15 minutes everything was resolved :

Airbnb changed guest to one of my other (cheaper) rooms , resolution payment was internally reverted to pay for booking, the difference refunded and calenders updated.



1 Best Answer
Level 10
Kingston, Jamaica

Some positive news about Airbnb CS! Thanks for sharing, @Emiel1 

17 Replies 17
Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Trude, Sarah inadvertently brought up a serious point here which I had never really given any thought to. But seeing as she had made it, I thought I would do some checking....the most recent issue being less than one month ago.

I have access to the last 47,259 emails I have received since I purchased this computer in 2013. I never remove a communication from this never know when you might need to cross reference something. I move them to the 'Deleted folder' but I don't remove them.


I have only ever had 4 situations where CX could not be of any help to me, and I have had 21 where they have been of help to me. I have received a feedback request email for all of those 21 successful CX encounters but, I have not received one for any of the 4 unsuccessful encounters.


To my point and yours Trude, what on earth is the good of feedback if all you are going to request and accept, is positive. 


Guests are continually encouraged by Airbnb to find something negative to say about us hosts, why is it that the company are so reticent to hear anything negative from we......those same hosts?





Level 10
Stockholm County, Sweden

@Robin4 : There it is then - Proof!

Level 10
Kingston, Jamaica

Some positive news about Airbnb CS! Thanks for sharing, @Emiel1