I will be deactivating my account, and encouraging everyone ...
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I will be deactivating my account, and encouraging everyone I know to do so as well until AirBnB board aligns itself with the...
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Hello All, I hope this post finds you all well, I'm relatively new hosting (3.5 years) and posting here (6 months), I just want to thank everyone for being so accepting of new faces like mine, the incredible amount of "Fair Trade" Host experience banter here and the Lizzie lead Friday online zooms! Having been an active member member of a couple "common interest" non professional's online communities over the years that were more like clubs, I recognize that we are a bit of an anomaly here at the Airbnb CC as Online chats go, this isnt a club at all, its more like a small world. Our particular group of mostly English speaking (not exclusive mind you) professionals from everywhere on the planet freely share both their trade secrets and interests that often help many of us become better at hosting or may not have much to do with Hosting at all. That dynamic is extremely rare in this Bookface world of endless bashing blather that often ends in hurt feelings and broken families. The "Moderators" do as they must but it does seem the majority of participants don't cross the "TOS" boundaries often or ever even in the crappiest of times "like Covid 2020" so our Mod Squad has time to do more creative and less controversy producing things like Zooms, word-games and such.
The basis for our Common bonds here are professional, "Lodging hosting" and specifically under Airbnb's Flag (even though I know many of you are on multiple platforms) no matter where our Short Term Rental Hostel, BNB, Home, Yurt, Glamper, Cabin, A frame or other STR physically resides. Now I want to get to the heart of why I'm writing this, bear with me. Discussing the politics of anything we are passionate about or prideful in (like our livelihoods or our home-fronts!) including President/ Director/ Prime Minister Chesky and his staff on a professional company sponsored web presence requires a certain amount of "due" respect to be displayed at all times even if it isn't always "earned" in some areas. The same goes with discussing the politics of our actual hosting nations, talking about your leaders or mine here could be perceived as either a baseball bat to the head or a flower being handed to you. Even as the person that saw it as a flower is thanking you, someone else is going to the refrigerator for a bag of ice to put on their eye. Lets not do that here if we can help it please?
There is plenty of awesome stuff to be said, discussed, asked, known, shared and done here on the CC that will make us stronger as an Airbnb Nation and singular hosts in it, that's our proven strength as a group and it also helps us put food on our own tables at the same time! I'm not sure my posting is a long conversation starter thread, it really doesn't need to be. Just please understand that its easier today than ever before to offend when we are so capable of reaching out and touching the world, some things might be better left unsaid to keep the other conversations alive, nuff said, Stay well, JR
Don't worry, if you say anything that Airbnb don't like enough times they'll remove you from the platform.
I suggest you read the Terms & condition to see how much there stacked in Airbnb favour.
Thats Ok @Cormac0 , The hand of mortal "Gods" is nothing new to Me. 21 military years taught me many things, one important one was how not to let my brain directly transmit my thoughts & feelings directly to my mouth without considering every possible thing that might come of that (Think, Push, Talk). I'm a huge fan of keeping conversations alive and open so I employ techniques whenever possible to make sure they can stay that way and I'm not a huge fan of burning bridges, you just never know when you may need to cross it again.
That said- some times, a bridge just has to go! When and if that time comes, I'm not going to put a match to it, it gets nuked! Stay well, JR
@Cormac0 I am under the believe Airbnb was started by young want-to-be 'socialists' but in a capitalist setting (San Francisco, USA!). No wonder it teeters between the two worlds and consequently at times it has confused its 'followers' (hosts). I am not confused at all - they own the place, they make the rules, I am looking out for my interest and they theirs. My choices then are either to continue to be part of it or not, but one thing I will never do is stay and be resentful all along the way while I accept what has thus far, at least for me, has been a great financial ride; but one role I will ever play is the role of a victim because simply speaking I am not one since I am not being forced to be here.
Nonetheless, being an optimist I will do my best to contribute towards improving the brand by doing a good job and unselfishly sharing my thoughts with others here.
Bla bla bla bla bla
@Cormac0 , Im sorry but Im not sure what that means? Is that your way of saying that you have never been kicked off of the CC, yet? Nobody here has disrespected you in any way that I can see, it would be good if we could keep things respectful. Thanks, JR
@Melodie-And-John0 Very well said John. I am also of the view that after this event it is quite plausible hosting with Airbnb will be even better; for starters it will be a club of survivors appreciative to still be standing!
Thank you @Fred13 , I am sure your correct on all fronts. In keep and its derivatives are the second oldest and very proud profession of all time, it requires more than just a place to sleep and a head to put there. Airbnb had lots of folks that hosted only for the huge potential earnings and many of those never took hosting seriously and so many don't treat the customer as #1. There are plenty of easier ways to earn a living that come with much less risk and nearly the same $$$ reward. I think many will choose those safe and ordinary ways and leave the amazing hosting industry for us that survived Covid 192020! Stay well Fred, JR
In the last few years, the small place I live in here in the end of the world, has gone from 3 Airbnb listings to (my place #3) to 408 in a mere 5 years, while the area only doubled in size. At least half of them are bandwagon jumpers and absentee owners that build cookie-cutter places to cash in, but never even ran a Popsicle stand previously, never mind a place for lodging, and it shows. It will be very interesting to see how it all shakes out after this passing storm.
@Melodie-And-John0 I respectfully disagree that this forum isn't a place to discuss the myriad ways in which the company is run to the detriment of hosts, and the CEO's part in that. Those are issues which very much affect our use of the platform.
as @J-Renato0 said @Sarah977 , I dont have any problem making my points about the good and the bad, I just try to make sure I dont drive that point through the body of someone that can shut the conversation down with a single word. And to be sure, Ive used nearly the same "respectfully" to begin my "listen here" POV to folks that could put me in the brig for not presenting my idea carefully, "my opening phrase was "With all Due Respect". Its fine to be excited but not rude, there is a fine line and I find it best to try to stay on the civil side of disrespect when possible.
Maybe I am wrong, @Sarah977 but I think that as for Airbnb @Melodie-And-John0 said about being respctful to the owners/founders. I understand he did not said that they should not be criticized in a fair and honest way. However, there are some occasions when some unpleasant comments should be avoided.
I also understand, and agree with you @Melodie-And-John0 that politcs (and conversation or jokes about politicians) is a sensitive matter!
When I was being educated, my parents taught me something - At a social or work meeting, it is not polite to talk about politics, religion and different cultures. This can cause discomfort in many people. Not everyone thinks the same, we shouldn't impose our ideas, nor should we think that others will agree with us.
Unfortunately, being polite is a noble disadvantage. We keep quiet until we can't take it anymore, and the rude one ends up taking advantage in the meantime. 🙂
@J-Renato0 , I think that was a fair assessment of what I was saying and why I was saying it thank you! And I have also had that same training as a youth, politics and religion talk is fraught with danger, even things said with respect can offend especially across cultural lines. I really never want to mistakenly offend someone. If i'm offensive, its for real, I probably meant it and thats rare, just not my way. Stay well, JR