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Does anyone have a link to the finer details of the Airbnb Host insurance policy? I'm having real difficulty getting any detail out of Airbnb about what their policy actually covers and what caps are in place and on what.
I've been hosting for years and never claimed but have just had an Airbnb 'Guest' who turned out to be a drugs gang take over my property. I had to get the help of the police when they wouldn't move out and am now reeling from the damage that has been left behind. This meant the next guest had to be cancelled - Airbnb did this. To begin with they were all terribly reassuring. They said there was an insurance policy in place, reminded me to take lots of photographs and get receipts etc. I'm in the midst of all this. They told me it was important to start the claim and I could always add to it. So that's exactly what I've done. They've paid a contribution towards the lock changes needed, not the full amount as apparently there is a cap on this and a contribution towards the cleaning - a contribution only because they don't pay for products used during the cleaning. In my case to get rid of the drugs smell. And now the Airbnb coms have gone dead. If I phone, I get stonewalled with "this case has been escalated to the Regulatory Response Team and they will get back to you" . If I ask when, they can't tell me. If I ask for a name, they can't tell me. If I stress how urgent it is because another guest is due and will probably have to be cancelled, they just repeat that I'll have to wait for someone to get back to me.
Quite apart from the whole experience being beyond terrifying, I'm now really concerned having read some of the other threads that Airbnb can just don't pay up and that it appears to be a pattern that they just don't communicate. I'm in the UK. I don't think they're governed by FOC in fact I can't work out whether there is any regulatory body governing them at all which makes me question why on earth they have a license to operate here at all. That's something I'm bringing to the attention of the London Council but that's another story.
This all happened in the same week as a sudden family bereavement. So I find myself battling with Airbnb's inept communication system and planning a funeral. Its just horrendous. So it would really help to know whether any other hosts have suffered serious damage from a guest been compensated by Airbnb? If so how long did it take? How did they communicate? Were you given any kind of idea of what is covered and what caps apply to what?
Would really appreciate any help anyone can give as Airbnb seem to have just pulled up the drawbridge on me.
@Lucy747 I am sorry you are going through this at such a difficult time.
Sadly I don't think you will find what you are looking for (a written policy with £ amounts) but I hope others may contradict me.
Thanks for replying @Mike-And-Helen0, I managed to find this which at least resembles some sort of policy terms & conditions and here's the link incase anyone else finds themselves in the same position.
But the policy document totally contradicts the Airbnb website in terms of contact with the guest prior to making a claim. The Policy says you need to ask the guest for money first before making a claim but the website says you don't need to do this because Airbnb will do this for you. See screenshots
In my case, the 'guest' turned out to be a drugs gang who took over my property (where was Airbnb's precious ID verification one has to ask - they were known criminals) and I had to get the police involved. We were literally cowering in a car round the corner watching the on the doorbell camera too afraid to go anywhere near them until the police arrived. It has been a truly terrifying ordeal. The flat was trashed. Police advised me that more recently drugs gangs have been using Airbnb properties for coming in from outside areas to deal. Not sure whether this is restricted to London or it is in other cities but I urge UK hosts to be on the look out.
Also noteworthy for hosts is that we discovered only after changing the locks and having 7 hours of professional cleaning that there are various caps in place. The cap on the lock change is $500 which did not cover the cost of the Banham Banham windows and doors. There is also some condition in the cleaning reimbursement which means they don't cover products. In our case product to remove the smell of all the drugs (Class A) and left over fast food. This was declined by Airbnb.
Airbnb have been next to useless in dealing with this. Infact I'd say their behaviour has bordered on unsafe and irresponsible. So much for their Ambassador who according to the website is supposed to guide you through the process. I have simply had emails that avoid answering any of the questions and this morning I've just been emailed saying they need proof of my identity before they can provide any help! Seriously?! I mean no problem - they can have passport copy pronto - but they were happy enough to let a drugs gang into my flat but need my passport to help me resolve all the issues I've been left with as a result?! I sincerely hope they have passport copies from the drugs gang and lets hope they assist the police with this. But now it appears they then want me to start corresponding with the drug dealer otherwise they won't validate my claim. This includes sending receipts on with my home address on it - something I really really don't want to do. On the phone 10 days ago they agreed this would indeed compromise my safety and I didn't need to do it but now they've stopped communicating in any tangible way and I have a nasty feeling they will decline my claim on the basis I didn't ask the drug dealer for money directly before issuing a claim.
It is truly a horrendous experience. So please UK hosts out there - take care.
Hi Lucy,
I am a host as well.
Still no joy. I wrote to the email at the bottom of their terms and conditions policy for clarification on the caps and surprise surprise no response. Will poat a seperate note on this.
Hi Lucy,
I am so sorry for all you have been going through.
I live here in USA - SC.
I have Condo that got pretty much damaged but they have not accept my Claim at all.
Just wanted to share this with you.
Thank you.