Airbnb « accidentally » cancelled 5 future reservations worth over €20,000 as well as 3 past reservations together with 5* reviews. They don’t respond to my emails or call back.

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

Airbnb « accidentally » cancelled 5 future reservations worth over €20,000 as well as 3 past reservations together with 5* reviews. They don’t respond to my emails or call back.

I’m a host on Airbnb for over 5 years, super host many times.
Last Sunday Airbnb cancelled my 5 future reservations and 3 past reservations as well as removed 5* review on my listing. 


To give you better picture it was 5 future reservations worth over €20,000 which I was supposed to get even if gusts cancel, because I have strict cancellation policy and my guests booked back in May. 

In their email to me and to my guests Airbnb wrote that they cancelled reservations due to suspicious activity on the account. On the phone they told me that it was cancelled « accidentally » and they don’t know why the system cancelled. 

Then instead of getting in touch with my guests who chose my place for their holidays and were extremely stressed and frustrated because of the cancellation; and help them to reinstate their booking and secure my money, Airbnb sent them an email offering crap alternatives. 

I’ve been calling Airbnb every day since then - whole week. I opened about 15 help requests online. No one ever got back to me on this.


Clearly my guests are afraid to re-book since in the email Airbnb told them it’s a security related issue.


My only question is will Airbnb take responsibility for this awful error and try to fix the mess, compensate me, apologise to my guests and explain them what it really was and restore reviews on my listing or they will never will until I take them to court because this is how they are and this is their standards?


Should I wait longer before legal actions?

15 Replies 15
Level 10
London, United Kingdom



Oh dear. Well, that's a pretty big glitch. The system does seem to be particularly glitchy right now. I have had to contact CS about two new (well, at least new in my experience) glitches. At least they admitted their mistake. My experience with both the recent glitches is the first response from CS is to deny that there is anything wrong and to try to convince you that you made the mistake, not them!