Airbnb and seller violate consumer rights (failure to clean, disclose, using review to manipulate, gaslighting customer)

Level 3
Reston, VA

Airbnb and seller violate consumer rights (failure to clean, disclose, using review to manipulate, gaslighting customer)

I am greatly concerned over the following, and need the community of hosts to be aware, and support change. I am the guest consumer in the following unresolved issue.


  1. The landlord charged cleaning fees
  2. Landlord violated Airbnb/ guidelines for transacting with and communicating with guest.
  3. Landlord violated health and safety precautions of Airbnb/CDC during stay, and and retaliated with a defamatory cleaning review against the consumer
  4. The landlord pressured the guest for access to unit, contractor convenience, had conflicting beliefs in health practices with tenant, and left a “cleaning review" against the consumer.
  5. The consumer paid cleaning fees and for occupancy,
  6. The consumer was harassed by seller with false expectation of access and for tenant to turn over the property and make clean for next guest, and then left a public character defamation review against the consumer for not cleaning the unit to sellers expectations.
  7. Airbnb did not disclose to consumer the seller is a self-cleaner with no experience in hosting long-term guests.
  8. Consumer feels scammed, harassed, and concerned the business practices constitute public fraud.


Could Airbnb regulatory team explain:


1. Why it did not disclose to the consumer in its advertising that the host:

(a) will refuse to wear masks,

(b) will demand access to unit for his contractor’s convenience to upgrade unit.

(c) is a self-cleaner

(d) has no experience with long-term guests.

(e) the consumer will have to turn over the property and clean for the next guest

(f) the cleaning fee paid are just false advertising.


2. Why is it reposting and enforcing a public defamatory cleaning review against the consumer after consumer has paid cleaning fees?


3. Did not warm the consumer that the landlord would expect the consumer to clean the unit to Airbnb/CDC guidelines for the next guest?


4. What regulatory agency oversees its own practice of charging cleaning fees to long-term guests, and allowing its sellers to leave a public defamatory cleaning review against the consumer.

9 Replies 9
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands




Review from the host:

"Matt was quiet and friendly. He made several odd request we’ve never gotten from any other guest. Also, we were surprised by the condition of our unit expected especially for someone with such high reviews. It took a lot of time and effort to get everything back to how clean we like it to be for our guest"


(no public comment from you)



Your review:

"great hosts, and stay. thank you"


IMO the case can be closed.

Level 10
West Palm Beach, FL

@Matt434  Excuse me?  I think I speak for many hosts when I say I would not host you based on your *disclaimer* in your profile & nothing to do with the perfectly ok review the host left for you. 

Hosts are definitely able to clean themselves whether or not they charge a cleaning fee. (Supplies and time are not free) 

Did your host actually say that “you needed to clean the house for the next guest in accordance with CDC guidelines” 

or are you just assuming that because they asked you to put away dishes & clean up after yourself? 

The great thing about Airbnb is that every host and property is different and expect different things from their guests & they should outline that in the “house rules” section of their listing. Most hosts do expect some level of “cleaning” before a guest checks out, but that is by no means the only cleaning they do with their listing.


Based on your harsh criticism of this host & your profile disclaimer, you sound like you may be more suited for a hotel or resort, best of luck!

Level 10
Canterbury, United Kingdom

@Matt434   I took the time this morning to read the many posts you have made on your issues with Airbnb and their hosts and also to read all the responses to your complaints as I felt it was only fair to read the whole back story.


I have come to a number of conclusions, but without going into extensive detail I certainly think you should stop using the Airbnb platform as it clearly does not suit you.  Your requirements as a guest are not at all compatible with Airbnb, particularly in a home stay situation, and are (as so many have said) better suited to a hotel.  Your profile description in itself shows you to be a highly ‘demanding’ type of guest.  You appear to be outraged at a couple of reviews which do not violate policy and are the hosts honest opinion of their experience with you as a guest, you have called them out as liars in your opinion and then apparently have proceeded to harass both them and Airbnb extensively.  I am quite frankly surprised that you continue to use Airbnb and also that Airbnb have not actually removed and barred you from using their platform.  

I cannot comment on your outrageous suggestions/demands for Airbnb to change policies regarding guests and hosts, in particular the one where you want to stay a month.. or two, and then pay afterwards as words completely fail me.


As so many have said, you need to move on





Level 10
Takoma Park, MD


Dude- what is your problem??? If you stop using AirBnB you can stop posting your obsessive rants in the community forum. Or maybe not. Maybe it's the attention you're seeking. 

Either way, there are WAY better ways to spend your time. Get a life. 

Level 10
Jersey City, NJ

@Matt434 Ah, I thought  your post from yesterday was a new issue, but I guess its the same old issue from several months ago. At this point, I have nothing to say.

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Matt434 Please could you let us know what youactublly hope to achieve by this post? Apart that is from giving me endless amusement.

Level 10
Jersey City, NJ

I just read his updated profile, I'm surprised anybody would agree to host him after reading it.

Level 2
Sydney, Australia

i find many guests who book dont understand the hosts house, are demanding and expect speial traetment and airbnb has recently allowed a guest who vacated 28 days to make a claim on cleanliness issues etc of a house which the host was not made aware f. airbnb allowing guests to make complaints after they vacated is a sign that airbnb no longer value the hosts-0so why they are now focusing on ads to state - Hsts make airbnb possible---but airbnb still dont value hosts (experienced also) and stp them from making a claim although a guest ahs stolen essential items from home. many eg of unethical cnduct by guests which airbnb are overlooking.
