Airbnb gave guest full refund over false information

Level 2
Central Point, OR

Airbnb gave guest full refund over false information

A guest who was due to arrive today canceled and got a full refund,  because they said Medford was under evacuation orders -and that my area is surrounded by two fires, that they would be in danger. (Not true, at all) So Airbnb gave them a full refund over false information. Is there a way to dispute this refund?

Thank you

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

I doubt it. Reading the news from your area doesn't sound like the best time to safely welcome guests. Plus, if they arrived and it was smokey, they could be refunded anyway. stay safe.

Level 10
Berkeley, CA

Medford's air is currently reading as hazardous. I am so very sorry, it is a terrible and heart breaking time for the entire west coast of our country and a tragedy for the planet. I hope it gets better, I hope the rains come early and the winds stay gentle, I hope when the smoke does clear that there are still primeval redwood redwood forests. I hope Kitty & Creek  are alive and not burnt out of their home. We in the S.F. bay area are mainly in the unhealthy zone with ash falling, no one should come here right now unless it's an emergency, stay safe.