Guest changing their mind and leaving

Level 1
North Port, FL

Guest changing their mind and leaving

Hello, I'm Patty and I live in Florida.  Today I got a booking for 1 guest for 3 nights but when they arrived, it was 2 people and the room w/private bath has only a twin size bed in it. They didn't stay.  They got here at 9:30 pm which was later than was scheduled.  While waiting for the arrival, I got another booking for 1 guest for 2 nights but I had to decline as I already had the 1 booking for 3 nights.  Now I'm left with no one.  I don't think that was fair that I lost both bookings. Had I known it was 2 people, I would not have taken that one.  My listing states only 1 person.  And I looked at the 1st booking before and  after they left, it said that it was 1 person not 2 people.  I am very upset that AirBnB booked 2 clients for me for almost the same dates and ihe booking should have said it was 2 people..  

1 Reply 1
Top Contributor
Cannes, France

Hello @Patricia4972 


I went onto your listing as a guest and I can't book your room if I put 2 people in the reservation.  So at least it's working as it should be so if 2 people arrived for that 3 day reservation although your listing clearly states only for 1, then the onus is on them and you should have been paid.  Did the guest cancel and Airbnb reimbursed this guest?  


The fact that 2 people arrived is against your house rules surely?  I would dispute this with Airbnb.


Good luck and let us know how you get on,
