Airbnb host protection insurance (HPI)

Level 2
Golden, CO

Airbnb host protection insurance (HPI)


We were wondering if any of you hosts have a copy of the actual policy or have more details about “host protection insurance” (HPI)? We keep inquiring with Airbnb to make a copy available to us to review, as we would like to know the circumstances under which we are covered or not. Support center just gives us the run around and keeps sending us the link to their “summary” claiming they don’t have an actual policy. The summary however only states that one “may” be covered but doesn’t give any specifics on circumstances. 
Thank you for your help. 

3 Replies 3
Level 10
New York, NY

Wow, @Jesse373, very good question.  I've never asked them for a copy.  Here's what I found - a PDF of the Host Protection Insurance Program Summary.  This seems a more complete summary than the one you refer to - possibly? - because there are more specifics about what's covered (see for instance pages 3 through 7).


Also in this document is an email address at Aon, the insurance provider:  "Please email if you have questions regarding the coverage made available under this program."


I would write to Aon and request a copy of the policy if the above doesn't suffice.

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hey @Jesse373,


Lovely to meet you. Based on what you have asked for, I think this Airbnb article should help provide an overview of the Host Protection Insurance provided by Airbnb. It also provides detail on how the claims process works. 


I hope this helps you. 




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As You rightfully said, the link You've posted gives an overview on the Host Protection Insurance. But where is the actual policy, where are the terms and condition of said insurance?


As You know there are terms and conditions for the $1M airbnb hostguarantee and they are pretty lenghty. Only the T&C explain what's actually covered.