Airbnb in Hickory County MO.

Level 1
Springfield, MO

Airbnb in Hickory County MO.

Looking to connect with people at Pomme, Stockton, and Lake of Ozarks!

Kelly Sigman

1 Best Answer
Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Kelly2029, Welcome to the Airbnb Community Center!

As our Community Center is a global forum, it might be a bit difficult to find hosts in your area who would be interested in your offer. You can also take a look at Local Host Clubs near you to connect with local hosts. Do keep us posted if you find one nearby your area!



Please follow the Community Guidelines

1 Reply 1
Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Kelly2029, Welcome to the Airbnb Community Center!

As our Community Center is a global forum, it might be a bit difficult to find hosts in your area who would be interested in your offer. You can also take a look at Local Host Clubs near you to connect with local hosts. Do keep us posted if you find one nearby your area!



Please follow the Community Guidelines