Airbnb not calling me back for over 8 months.... and I am still waiting !

Level 2
Dallas, TX

Airbnb not calling me back for over 8 months.... and I am still waiting !

I posted this in the Hosting discussion room but figured it might be more appropriate here:


So I have had this issue where Airbnb owes me a payout.  It is really not that much, relatively speaking, but I would like to resolve it....  This was back in January 2020.  Since then, I have called and messaged/texted, tweeted, even sent messages through the feedback link in hopes that someone will return my call !!  But nothing.  I have opened tickets only to find out weeks later (after following up over and over) that they are just "gone".....?  Only recently (since August 2, 2020) have I kept a record through my Twitter account.  Every tweet I have on my account is for ONE issue I have had since January with Airbnb.  My twitter handle is MikeLuk1 so you can see what I am talking about.  Every tweet shows that I am following up and every reply is simply "keep waiting"....


Today is September 1, 2020, and I sent a message early this morning for an update on my ticket I have had there since August 2nd (my most recent ticket after a few have been lost).  I do not even get ANY reply at all.  Nothing....


Has anyone else had this experience?  I mean, no call back for 8 months?  I feel like my account has maybe been flagged?  But I am a Superhost and never had any problems with Airbnb in the past.... So it is so strange that no one has called me back....?

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


Tickets are useally not "gone", did you look into the travelling section of your account (allthough is is a hosting issue) ? I also have a ticket open for almost 2 months regarding a pending payout. It says they are working on it.... unfortunatelly not mentioning how long it will take !


Payout issues seem to be one of the most common and time consuming issues, if you browse/search  the community postings.

Best regards,


@Mike2164 I'm not surprised. Airbnb has all but shut down customer service. I have a similar battle to get any response...