Airbnb removed my instant book

Airbnb removed my instant book

I noticed my instant book was off and I contacted Airbnb thru the chat. They said I wasnt active enough but it is hard to believe because I get on the app quite a bit to check my upcoming guests, respond to them, check my calendar and lower my prices for near dates. They say they cannot reverse this and I have to wait for an automatic evaluation 7 days after my last guest. Seems like a big flaw in their system and I do not feel I have been inactive.


Anyone else had this problem?

Thanks in advance

16 Replies 16
Level 10
Peterborough, Canada

@Emilia42- Thanks for setting me straight on the "Reserve" feature (which does seem more like a bug, in that it IS confusing).


@David-Henry0- Emilia has provided some good reading. It could well be the two guest-side cancellations that have put you into Instant Book jail. Totally unfair, but once the algo gets something stuck in its craw, you're done for. CX will not help you get it re-enabled either. I'm sorry that this has happened to you. I know from experience that it sucks - especially when you're doing everything you possibly can to build up your ranking.


When this has happened to others (including me), there's a waiting period of about 3 weeks, during which you must accept every crap request that comes your way if you want IB re-enabled.


Many hosts don't use IB, finding that they're far more comfortable vetting guests themselves through communication. I know it's kind of a pain, when you're used to just having the bookings roll in, with no effort on your part. You may find, though, that it gets less cumbersome as time goes on and that you actually prefer it.



"Many hosts don't use IB, finding that they're far more comfortable vetting guests themselves through communication. I know it's kind of a pain, when you're used to just having the bookings roll in, with no effort on your part. You may find, though, that it gets less cumbersome as time goes on and that you actually prefer it."      This is on point.




Perhaps it's providential that your IB has been disabled for now. It is risky for a new host to use IB right out of the gate. Been there, done that, so I know. I've been on/off with it a few times and now have it off for good. I haven't found having it off has been detrimental to my search placement or bookings success at all. I like defying (with success, thank you very much) everything Airbnb tells me I need to do to be successful. It's all a load of crap they try to sell hosts, just to make themselves more money. The overall message to hosts is subliminal but powerful and meant to emotionally manipulate us into doing their bidding, from the whole Superhost program to 'lower your price to get more bookings' to 'you must IB or you'll disappear off the face of the earth forever!' blah blah blah.