Airbnb support is extremely dissapointing

Level 2
Spokane, WA

Airbnb support is extremely dissapointing

My booking was canceled by the host the day before yesterday because she has decided to sell her home, so in my haste to secure the exact dates, I booked a place in the same resort (which I have stayed at every year in the past 5 years). Every booking we have had there has the same condo buildings, same layout so I assumed I was booking a condo with 2 bathrooms. A little under two hours after booking, my husband pointed out that it only has 1 bathroom, we have 2 girls, so it was going to be a little tricky to share just the one.  Because it was under the 48hr free cancellation booking window, I cancelled the booking, unbeknownst to me that I would also lose my Superhosts coupon. I have tried to explain my mistake to your team, but they are unwilling to refund my coupon.

After a devastating year of 2020, I assumed that Airbnb would extend the same courtesy of a refund that I did to all my guests who had to cancel even before we were required to by Airbnb. I have bent my cancellation policy because it was the right thing to do. I even refunded a whopping $1400 in March 2021even though my cancellation policy did not require it.


I am still waiting for someone to actually call me. Dan, the first person I spoke to about this case said a Supervisor is going to call me. That never happened. I need personal verbal communication. That’s how you should handle this instead of constantly sending me inbox messages with the same link. to the Coupon cancellation policy.That’s not hospitality or customer service. Please have him/her call me. Your policy said a Free Cancellation 48 hour window. The word FREE here is the key, yet i lost an UNUSED Superhost coupon. Again, this too strict of a policy does not work for Superhost. And just with host, every case is different and has to be dealt differently. It cannot be one size fits all. Airbnb always wants us to be flexible with our guests but how about you guys to your hosts? Please have someone call me and honor your word. Thank you for your time.

18 Replies 18

Well, nothing changes unless there is noise.Constant unrelenting noise.

@Natalie880  That is generally true for most companies. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Most companies take user feedback seriously, figure for every person who takes the time to complain, there are 100s more who feel the same way, but don't bother to send feedback, and value keeping their customers happy.


Airbnb has shown that they consider hosts to be expendable, they don't care if you pull your listing in disgust, because there are more hosts signing up to take our place. The fact is, that there are far more listings than guests to fill them, so it's guests they pander to, not hosts.


Hosts who have been participating in this forum for a long time can tell you that constant unrelenting noise falls on deaf ears with Airbnb. Thousands of complaints about Airbnb policies don't seem to mean anything to them.


We all wish it wasn't so, but that happens to be the reality. It doesn't mean we should just give up and accept all of their policies without complaint and feedback, but it's important to understand their attitude so we don't stress ourselves out.

Thanks Sarah. It is unfortunate and I’m just finding out the hard way. Thank you for the feedback. I appreciate it. Have a great weekend.

Level 10

@Natalie880 First of all I know exactly where you are coming from. I've been in the same position where I've always given guests refunds and then when I need a bone or favor thrown my way AirBnb doesn't help me out in a tricky situation or completely throws me under the bus. (Like at one time I had AirBnb issue a refund 3 months after the guest left, I was completely thrown under the bus on that one. The guest had stayed didnt hear 1 complaint during their stay, and then 3 months later BAM!!! $4000 gone) I KNOW WHERE YOU ARE COMING FROM, IVE BEEN THERE AND I DONT LIKE IT. AirBnb should have some kind of internal voucher system where we hosts earn points and towards a Voucher or points. I feel that when we do a good thing AirBnb immediately forgets and moves on.

The first thing that I would do if I were you, is I would keep calling back! I have no faith, that anyone will call you back especially these days. Be proactive, Call back until you get one of those good Relations Managers in the united states, its seems to me that the best Managers are in the United States the international ones seem to follow a script and cant do anything except "apologize for the inconvenience".

One time I had issued a guest a refund and then AirBnb had issued the guest another refund she was double refunded and I was charged twice, I swear it took me 20 phone calls to get to someone that understood what I was talking about, because I was so frustrated with customer service. Finally I got a supervisor who had to call a higher up manager to give me the refund and in the process the higher up manager was able to delete two retaliatory reviews in the process (I was told several times that they couldn't be deleted). So keep trying, be annoying.

Tell them they should "do whats best for the AirBnb community".