Airbnb support is not responding

Level 2
Bali, ID

Airbnb support is not responding

Unfortunately me and my sister have 2 separate guest issues with 2 separate accounts/listings.


Both of them have been forwarded to another team member but with both of them there is no follow up from Airbnb despite i have send some more messages.


Airbnb Support
1:00 PM
Hi Nafis,

Thanks for reaching out to us regarding this issue. I've forwarded your inquiry to a member of my team who can better assist you. They'll be getting in touch with you soon.

In the meantime, please feel free to respond to this message with any further questions or concerns.

Best regards,

Does anyone know if there a problem with the Support system?

If not, can someone from Airbnb contact me?




2 Replies 2
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Nafis1  This is just a discussion forum for hosts and guests, no one here works for Airbnb, so we cann't get anyone to contact you.

There are lots of problems with Customer Support, one being that they often leave a user waiting for a response for quite awhile. It's nothing unusual. If it isn't an emergency situation, like being left standing out on the street with nowhere to stay, or being in an unsafe situation, just be patient and give them awhile to respond. It could take a day or two, but if you don't hear back soon, contact them again. Persistence is sometimes needed.

One thing that can help when dealing with Airbnb CS is to state your issue as simply and clearly as possible. Short sentences, in bullet point form, in chronological order of what happened, instead of long paragraphs which can be be confusing or not thoroughly read, seem to work best. Be clear about what you want advice on, or the outcome you are looking for. Customer support has a hard job, what with guests and hosts contacting them all day with issues and sometimes getting mad or rude with them, and from what I hear, not well-paid, so the easier you can make it for them to understand the problem you're having, the more likely you are to get a timely and appropriate response.

Level 2
Dallas, TX

Has it ever taken 8 months to hear from Airbnb?  And still waiting...!  Check out my twitter MikeLuk1 ... every tweet I have is about ONE issue I have had with Airbnb since January.  I have called and texted and tweeted and tried to follow up and nothing.  When I do get a response, I am told "keep waiting" and no one ever contacts me.