Any of you hosts gotten a 25% payout yet from Airbnb?

Level 2
Los Angeles, CA

Any of you hosts gotten a 25% payout yet from Airbnb?

I fall into the category for a 25% payout as a host for Airbnb canceling my reservation in March, yet there have been no emails from Airbnb and definitely no payouts. Now I see an update to the Covid host information and it adds something along the lines of do not contact Airbnb, as our staff don’t have information to provide. So I’m wondering if anyone has been paid since I can’t ask Airbnb?

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Danielle123 There are several hundred posts on this forum now that are almost word for word like yours. And also many answers. It's a good idea to spend 5 minutes reading a page or two of what has already been posted here or using the search engine.

Level 10
Dublin, Ireland



Message from Airbnb - 20/04/20


* Hosts will receive an email when a support payment is issued.

* This email will have an attached csv file which they can open in  Excel or Google sheets to review details of all the reservations that were included in the disbursement

* If a host hasn't received an email yet, their disbursement hasn't been issued yet


Timeline for next waves of hosts to receive payments and emails

  1. 20 April 2020 - 20K hosts
  2. 21 April 2020 - 145K hosts
  3. 22 April 2020 - 150K hosts
  4. 23 April 2020 - 184K hosts

Thanks again for being a valued Airbnb host.

By the way, no emails sent out from Airbnb. I haven't received anything

Level 2
Phoenix, AZ

I am SO disappointed in how this 25% Covid-19 payout was handled. I am in Arizona. I had 17 cancellations so far because of Covid. I lost over $13,200. Recently I received an email saying I would be getting my payout of $430. Are you kidding me???? This is laughable. I went through all my cancellations and all fell within their perimeters for the payout. I tried calling Airbnb, I'm a Superhost for a few years and a Plus Host. I have a 5 star rating with 3 condos. Normally when I call I get someone Stateside who I can talk to resolve an issue. This time I was sent to the Phillipines and received absolutely no help. I explained my situation and said I wanted to talk to a Supervisor (someone that could make a decision) I was told they were busy?! Then I received an email from Airbnb from Paul (a “supervisor") saying their decision was final! Can they not even talk to me? I want to talk to someone Stateside that can actually help me. I wanted to go through all my cancellations to see why they were thinking I should only receive $430. Meanwhile, I’m still having to pay my Electric, Cable and HOA Fees. I have always worked hard to make my Airbnb's the best they can be and have followed all their requirements. Where are they when we need them?? There was no discussion with me about cancelling my reservations. Hmmm,  don't they work for us??? Without us there is no Airbnb. To make matters worse it was during our highest season. We are now entering our slow season. It was insulting to only receive $430 when I lost over $13,200. None of my reservations would have been canceled otherwise. Your cancellation policy shouldn't even come into play. We didn't cancel on the guests, Airbnb did without even talking to us. There is no special consideration being a Superhost and Plus Host now when you call. I don't want to talk to a foreign country with people that can't help! I haven't worked hard all this time to be treated like this. They always say Thanks Again For Being a Valued Airbnb Host. I sure don’t feel valued! Very disappointed in Airbnb's handling of the situation.