One of the things I love about hosting is creating special m...
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One of the things I love about hosting is creating special moments for my guests. Sometimes, it’s the little unexpected touch...
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A few were actively posting and it sounded like were working on particular projects. I haven’t seen any posts for a few months now.
I created similar message a while ago, questening the HAB existance, it was removed.....
Hiya @Inna22 ,
We posted this the other day from Sam, @Till-and-Jutta0 and Ningyi:
@Stephanie I saw that but I guess did not read far enough into the post. I am wondering more about new initiatives and keeping an eye on what is being discussed here
@Stephanie But those are just discussion topics. Any host could start those. The HAB was promoted as a way for hosts to have other hosts going to bat for the things we would like Airbnb to change or institute. There have been zero reports of the HAB doing anything of the sort.
And a year ago you said there was a process being set up whereby hosts could send their suggestions to the HAB and that has been ignored.
@Sarah977 For one so usually right you have made two wrong statements in your post
1) There was a report that the HAB had got Airbnb to maintain the different super host criteria until the end of 2021 - Clearly a MASSIVE win for us hosts.
2) The promised process to send suggestions to the HAB was not ignored. It was reported that Airbnb had decided it wasn't necessary and that the HAB would get its input from the CC and other routes such as Facebook.
Now having said you were wrong in detail, in essence you are entirely correct. Oh and I think you even predicted this when the HAB was launched!
@Mike-And-Jane0 Do you really think that extending the Superhost status for over 2 years is a massive win for hosts? I think it's a massive win for Airbnb. These "on hold" Superhosts aren't receiving the yearly $100 credit from Airbnb. So it is virtually costing Airbnb nothing to keep granting them the status every quarter. Meanwhile, they are sitting on a nice statistic that their platform boasts XX% of Superhosts, whether active or not.
@Mike-And-Jane0 Or across the internet. But your first assumption is likely right 🙂
@Mike-And-Jane0 I got your totally sarcastic humor!
That Superhost criteria extension thing was the token ‘there, we did something for hosts!’. Of course we all know that the HAB exists for AIrbnb purposes only.
@Inna22 @Sarah977 @Mark116 @Emilia42
@Inna22 The HAB achievements are a secret BUT they did advertise once that they had extended the removal of a couple of criteria for super host status until the end of 2021. You have to hope that Airbnb are getting more out of these folks than the hosts are. That said even if they pay them a goodly amount it is peanuts compared to the good PR Airbnb get for having a hosts voice (well whisper actually).
It is a real shame Airbnb have had these guys sign non-disclosure agreements or I am sure they would tell us what they do.
Can someone please tell them that their newest invention where 'no new messages' kinda sorta flashes when I hit the inbox A) still does not work B) was totally unnecessary.
At first it flashed so quickly it was almost like a ghost image, they've apparently 'fixed' that now so it comes up, stays on the screen EVEN WHEN I HAVE A NEW MESSAGE, and now it makes the entire inbox flicker. All of it pointless as there was nothing at all wrong with the inbox the way it was and you could already see if you had messages. Why oh why do Airbnb fixes always make things worse????
*Maybe they could 'fix' the glitch where the check in day cancelling guest can leave reviews but the host can't tell they have or have not done so until after the deadline passes. That would be something actually helpful. And bring back the old dashboard, that wasn't too helpful but at least I could find various things that now are invisible.
@Mark116 That last part is one of the most useful things the HAB could accomplish. They need to get it through Airbnb's hard head that hosts need their hosting pages to be as simple as possible with all the features all hosts need and use on a regular basis easy and intuitive to access.
If they want to bury features, they should be the extraneous ones.
There's no obvious way, for instance, to get to the monthly calendar. Unless hosts have more than one listing, the multicalendar is of no use. But hosts don't need to look at their booking rate on a daily basis, or see all those useless "suggestions" every time they go to the dashboard.