Anyone else get scammed by ABnB's "Host Guarantee" Insurance?

Level 2
San Jose, CA

Anyone else get scammed by ABnB's "Host Guarantee" Insurance?

I just received a rejection letter from AirBnB on my claim.  This is VERY upsetting, because it was AirBnB Customer service reps (2 of them) who told me my damages would be covered under this policy.  All I wanted was contact information on my guest so I could file a claim in Small Claims court.  


I read every word of the Host Guarantee policy before submitting my claim, and there was no wording that excluded Golf Carts.  When I read it now, it literally excludes EVERYTHING one might have in their home, except furniture.  Are they re-writing this as claims come in?  Seems so.  This has to be illegal!


This guest actually STOLE my Golf Cart out of my garage.  The key was hidden, but they found it.  I have two witnesses that say they intentionally totaled it.  Literally drove it around at high speed and ran into trees and buildings until it was totaled.  They were very high at the time, and I guess they thought a 3 a.m. Demolition Derby would be great fun.  


To make matters worse, it took them nearly 2 months to get back to me on this, and I have been paying $35 per week storage on the disabled Golf Cart awaiting payout on this claim.  


I am not intending to let this go.  Has anyone taken on AirBnB and won??




Here's the email I received today:



I hope this message finds you well. My name is Ellie a Support Ambassador on Airbnb's Claims team. I’m sorry to hear about what happened during your reservation HMS2NMYDYR with Andrew.

We've carefully reviewed your Host Guarantee request and, unfortunately, we're unable to process your request.

The Golf Cart included in your request is not eligible for reimbursement under the Host Guarantee Terms and Conditions. The Host Guarantee Terms and Conditions state that loss or damage under “Excluded Property” means any of the following:

¨6. Vehicles (including, but not limited to, automobiles, scooters, vespas, and motorcycles).¨

You are free to pursue reimbursement from your guest directly. However, per this exclusion, this damages is not eligible for reimbursement under the Host Guarantee. That said, we will follow up appropriately with Andrew with regard to guest responsibilities.

You may review the Host Guarantee Terms and Conditions at:

Please always feel free to reach out to us with any questions or concerns:


5 Replies 5

This probably comes as little consolation but it would be the same if the guests found the keys to your car. Did you try to recover the funds in the resolution center before billing Airbnb?

Airbnb insurance is secondary in large dollar cases so you should contact your insurance company first. Also - you could ask for arbitration if Airbnb won't provide the name and contact information they hold so you can file a police report and sue the guests. Actually, you should file a request for arbitration since Airbnb has "turfed" customer service to third party companies with freelance employees reading from a script. (or last I heard.) It's possible Arbitration might decide in your favor on the charges.

Airbnb sends us guests, keeps the information hidden, then they should be responsible. Be interested to know if these guests are still allowed to book on the platform.

I will say I had some irresponsible guests who claimed they were robbed of the extra set of keys to my apartment. Or at least that's their story. Didn't bother to tell me until days after they checked out. Airbnb reimbursed me for the cost of hiring an emergency locksmith to change the locks to the building (entrance shared with another apartment) after the guests refused to pay. 

So the host guarantee does work in many cases.

Level 2
San Jose, CA

Thank you!  How does one file a request for Arbitration?  I would do anything to speak to an actual human being.  (The customer service "ambassadors" do read from a script, and most speak with such a strong accent it is difficult to understand them.)  

I first tried to settle this through the resolution center, but AirBnB intervened.  I got an email that said I could only file a claim of that amount through the Host Guarantee insurance program.  I still don't get it.



Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hello @Nanci53 


Sorry for your awful guests.


If you have evidence that your guests stole your cart including a police report, I would suggest you claim on your home insurance for STRs as it seems clear from Airbnb's policy that your golf cart wouldn't be covered. 


or make a direct claim against your guest in your small claims court


Good luck. 

Level 10
Munnsville, NY

@Nanci53 , that's terrible, sadly the host  Guarantee isn't really insurance and far from a blanket guarantee for sure, if you dont have a policy that insures STR's, about the only thing you will get from your insurance company is a cancellation notice so think twice about claiming it.   


Definitely give them a review that reflects their destruction, call the police and have them do a report, contact the guest through the Airbnb message system and explain that they will be responsible for the repair or replacement of the golf cart and storage fees and to remit the funds immediately or you will take them to small claims court.   Or just never make that mistake again and chock it up to CODB (Cost of doing business), at least write it off as a loss in your taxes!!!! Sorry again, stay well, JR

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Nanci53 Arbitration is quite expensive and will likely fail if the guarantee excludes vehicles. The small claims court against the guest is the best course of action. Do you have their name and address?