Anyone in Los Angeles getting bookings?

Level 10
Los Angeles, CA

Anyone in Los Angeles getting bookings?

Mayor Eric Garcetti has essentially killed tourism for the year when he banned people from sitting on the beach and sitting in restaurants, extending the lockdown to at least the end of July. I can't believe that the people of Los Angles are putting up with this fascist insanity. For the entertainment industry especially, there's probably upwards of a million people put out of work, yet not a peep out of these liberals. I guess they're too terrified of speaking out for fear of being blackballed by the industry.

I decided to just close for the year. My 30 day page views are down about 85%.  Not worth paying an extra $65 per month for insurance, $5 per month for Ooma phone service and the $91 annual city fee.

41 Replies 41
Level 10
Albany, Australia

@Pete69 Your mayor didn't kill tourism. A global pandemic killed tourism. Your mayor is just trying to keep his constituents safe. And the liberals aren't terrified of speaking out - they simply understand the need to make individual sacrifices for the common good.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Sadly there are some people who don't understand the need to put the common good and safety of their community above their own personal needs @Kath9 

@Kath9  well said!   I'm so tired of this whining by people (mostly of a certain political persuasion) that their governors/mayors have "killed" tourism by imposing restrictions to save people's lives.  




@Pete69   You're not the only here who's hurting.   Quit whining, stop watching Fox News and do your part so that we can get over this and get back to a life, at least akin to normal. 

You're brainwashed by MSDNC, CNN, NY Times and the Washington Compost. You've been convinced that a virus that attacks the elderly and people with multiple underlying health conditions requires us to lock down the ENTIRE population. Here in California there have been ZERO...  I repeat, ZERO deaths of anyone under the age of 18, yet schools are shut down. That's insanity.  We need SELECTIVE quarantines. And people can decide for THEMSELVES if they want to isolate. The economy needs to be reopened.

I'm actually not "hurting". Airbnb is a little supplemental income for me. I'm going to bat for the many people who have been put out of work and are running out of money.

@Kath9  Beautifully said!  I've never seen so many adults throw child-like temper tantrums.

Level 10
Los Angeles, CA

Mayor Garcetti unquestionably killed tourism.

@Pete69 oh Fox News, the font of all wisdom. Irrespective of that, perhaps the reason that LA has had 'only' 35,000 cases is preciselybecause of its strict lockdown measures. Your mayor should be commended for this. Here in Australia we've had some of the strictest lockdown measures in the world, and also one of the lowest death rates. Do you see the correlation here? Rather than blaming our government for the loss of business, most Aussies are commending it for its response. However, I do believe that unlike in the US, our government has launched an unprecedented multi-billion dollar stimulus package to support the population through this crisis. Shame you haven't got Obama still in charge.

So you're a bleeding heart liberal rushing to defend other liberals. LA has had only 1,839 deaths in a city of 4 million because of 1) our spread out layout and 2) the virus is nowhere near what the modelers projected.

In states like Florida and Georgia, the big spike in cases that was predicted by liberals never occurred. Do you see the correlation here? That lockdowns were unnecessary.

It's a great thing we have Trump in charge, otherwise we'd still have every state shut down.

It's the same almost everywhere. Malls and shopping centers here were opened just few days ago. Cinemas and theaters will remain closed. Today the prime minister announced, that all borders will be partly-opened again next week. Most of the beaches are still closed. There was a general ban for all kind of touristic activities between 13 March and 13 May. It was 5 days ago. The intercity bus services are still blocked. They sent all drivers and service personnel on a furlough and now they will restart very slowly, because people are still afraid to travel.

Less then 1000 infected in my city and near 2300 infected in the country. This is the same like 5000 infected in LA. But they are not 5000...they are 35000.
I hope, that this crisis will be behind your back soon, but still too many people are infected and it's very dangerous to reopen everything. The healthcare system can collapse in just one week. That'what happened in Italy, Spain and NY.



From the LA TImes: "Amid that widespread anxiety and disruption, voters want officials to take their time about ending restrictions on business and public gatherings. By 70% to 30%, the state’s voters say they’re more worried that shelter-in-place orders will end too soon, causing the illness to spread more, than they are that such orders will continue for too long and damage the economy."


It turns out that most California voters care more about saving lives than saving tourism. That doesn't strike me as a particularly radical or liberal viewpoint.

That's my original point. That the ** liberal voters of California don't care that the economy is being destroyed. The middle class has been leaving California for decades. All that's left are socialists and mega-wealthy. Also, you're citing the alt-left LA Times. They skew polls. It's probably more like 60/40 or 50/50.

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@Pete69 The vast majority of people in California, like everywhere else, are immediately impacted by downturns in the economy - it's ludicrous and callow to suggest that the millions of people who could never afford to own a spare house in the Palisades simply "don't care" about their businesses collapsing, their retirement savings evaporating, their children's educations being disrupted, their careers being derailed, or the very real possibility that they might lose their homes. And if you think everyone who isn't mega-wealthy in your state is a "socialist," you clearly haven't had an actual conversation with any of the real people doing the real work that your daily well-being depends on. Do you even have any friends? "Fox and Friends" doesn't count.


Yes, people are very worried about the economy, but it doesn't exist in a vacuum. Nobody wants to lose their jobs and face the stress of debt or the horrors of poverty, but people also don't want to be forced to work in conditions that might expose them to a disease that they might not survive (even you may very well have an undiagnosed condition that renders you more vulnerable than you think, so let's see how cocky you are when you get sick). In a country with as pitiful of a social safety net as the US, where even sick leave is a "benefit" and not a right, tens of millions of workers are facing the pandemic with the knowledge that they can't afford to miss a week of work to being sick. And that includes people that you will inevitably have to interact with directly. So unless you're OK with every service worker who has the misfortune to put up with you possibly being the one who gives you the Coronavirus because they were forced back to work, you're way out of your depth on this topic.