Yes, it is discriminatory.
Hosts are quite capable of judging whether a refund is appropriate or not. We're far better positioned to establish whether visiting our listing would be safe, far better positioned to know whether travel is affected and just... far better at communicating with our Guests and supporting their needs. Whilst Airbnb might like to throw a blanket solution on the world because they don't have the resources to cope, individual Hosts do and the system is already set up to allow them to do it.
Removing the input of the Hosts from this situation and granting full refunds to Guests across the board - in fact, encouraging guests to cancel, is just criminal.
@Mike-And-Jane0 Not all situations are the same and a one size solution will not fit all. Airbnb need to find a middle ground and not discriminate.
I far prefer VRBO's approach in encouraging Hosts to find a mutual solution with Guests or refund with leniency rather than Airbnb's sledgehammer approach. Maybe they could consider that instead?