HI I am Sebastian

Level 2
Herriman, UT

HI I am Sebastian

Hi everyone. I am Sebastian ** from Cartagena Colombia...top city of the world. I just sent my experience for revision  and I am excited to show ppl the game of tennis and how it's played locally... also love to show ppl all the things they can do in the city.

Excited to be part of this great community.    Someting cool about me, I was born in the ritch part of town but I hang out with the poorest... they are more authentic 😉


**[Last name removed for privacy reasons in line with the Community Center Guidelines]



1 Reply 1
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Sebastian1585 😊

Welcome to the Community Center, and congratulations on this new beginning! 🎉


What kind of experience have you submitted? How did you come up with the idea?

I’m excited for you as well! 😍


We also have a Spanish community if you would like to have a look: 👉 Centro de la Comunidad.


Warm regards, 🌻





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