Believe it or not--I actually got the 25% refund today!

Level 10
Boise, ID

Believe it or not--I actually got the 25% refund today!

Screen Shot 2020-04-17 at 8.22.29 AM.jpegI woke up to an email from Airbnb this morning, saying that they scheduled my Covid-19 policy refund payment.  It is also showing under my April earnings on my dashboard.   Funny thing is, I have a moderate cancellation policy.  Not complaining...go figure!   😉

59 Replies 59



What does it mean to have no more than two active listings

For this fund, we’re focusing on hosts who list only their homes or second homes, or private rooms in those residences. You’re not eligible if you have more than two active listings at different addresses. If you have more than two listings at the same address—for example, if you rent out three rooms in your house—you’re still considered eligible.


Answers to your questions about the Superhost Relief Fund – Resource Centre

Phew....I guess I was reading that wrong.  Little more hope back....thanks!!

You're welcome, @Jennifer976

And no, you probably didn't read it wrong - your understanding was correct as per the original version of the requirements for inclusion. The stipulations were amended on April 9th 🙂 

Level 10
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Thanks for the update ! 

I have not received it yet.. but waiting, I hope it will be soon.

Level 10
Kraków, Poland



I wonder has this got anything to do with Airbnb requesting and receiving an additional funding from investors of circa $2.1 billion?


It they got this level of funding when their  business has been brought to its knees from smart investors, I think you can be assured that the margins their making are pretty steep.


Wake up host your been ridden like a carousel.


Level 8
Calgary, Canada

My policy is strict and I didn't get a thing 😞 

Level 10
Montevarchi, Italy

So if I've followed this right, one person has so far received the 25%, be interesting to see how many follow. What I'd like to know is when we'll hear about the Superhost grant? It was promised for the end of April and the month only has a bit more than a week to go. My cancelled income has just passed 10,000 euro and under the arbitrary 25% rules, I don't get anything and I desperately need the money!

Hi Bob - Where did you hear that rule re cancellation income not exceeding €10,000?

Level 1
Seattle, WA


Has anyone heard anything new about the Super Host $5000 grant since it was announced weeks ago?


SSee my post above. 

Level 10
Placitas, NM

Nope, nada as of Tuesday too - strict cancellation policy for an April 7 check-in. 

Nope, nada - email, transaction history, $.

Congratulations. I haven't received anything. I followed their new Covid-19 policy and allowed 100% refund voluntarily, but haven't heard a thing. Will keep my fingers crossed.

Level 2
Glasgow, United Kingdom

Has anyone in the UK got any payouts yet? I contacted support last week as I found the "hosts will find more details in the host dashboard" to be a blatant lie, and was informed I do have an eligible booking so should receive a payout.  Other than the articles, there is nothing further. 

Level 3
Newquay, United Kingdom

I’ve lost all the last 2 weeks of March, April, Most of May (the only 2 still left are an issue with Airbnb and the guests want to cancel) now I get an email today saying they will let them cancel for June too - and June is not  valid to receive anything.... meaning I’ll have lost 100% of my income for almost 4months. No 25% received even though all qualify AND what am I supposed to lose to qualify for a grant? Have taken mortgage holiday as can not afford to pay and was counting on June at least having something even with strict guidelines. So far decimated my income and zero support. 

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello everyone,


Thanks for your comments here. Just picking up on some key points mentioned here, as I wanted to update you on the present situation:


When will payments come out?

We started sending support payments over a week ago, and some of you may have seen payments in your accounts. 


Our original goal was to get the first batch of payments out by mid-April and unfortunately, we're running slightly behind. We know how important these payments are, and we’re sorry. Hosts with eligible cancellations before April 8 should receive their first payment by May 1. 


Update to Host Dashboard–Reservations page

In reference to your mention @Chloe267, the host dashboard has now been updated to show more details on your cancellations. To view, visit your Reservations page


Superhost Relief Fund:


I am not clear whether I'm eligible. How do I find out whether I am?

You can find the eligibility criteria here, however, we're prioritizing invitations by inviting tenured Superhosts who are most in financial need first. This means not all eligible hosts may necessarily be invited. However, you will know by May 15th whether you've received an invitation or not.


I am eligible, but did not get an invite. Why is that?

The invitation process works by inviting our most long-standing Superhosts in financial need (looking at their earnings decline from this year to last) first. Invited hosts will have a 7 day window to apply. We are sending invites each week until May 15th.


Lastly, for all recent updates on all COVID related topics, keep a look out here.  


I hope this helps to provide you with a little more information (if there are any key things I've missed please let me know) and I really hope you will receive something soon. Stay safe and healthy. 





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