I received this response from Airbnb support. The first ques...
I received this response from Airbnb support. The first question I asked was “ what advice are you giving hosts who have seen...
I’m a 5 Star Super Host who takes great pride in customer service and comfort. No issues except one guy left used condoms under his pillow for me to clean up. Abnb insists on honest reviews so that’s what he got. Don’t even know what the ISSUE OR INCIDENT IS but Abnb case manager emails at 2 am saying they r reviewing an incident and to respond quickly w details or I will be cancelled from Abnb. I call three times. I email three times. Nothing. They suspended my account and blocked all open days without telling me WHY!!!!!!!????????? This is my only source of income and they r screwing me up. How can this even be allowed???? Guilty til proven innocent????? Cs reps claim they can’t help. Diff Dept that I can’t contact. I’m stuck in Abnb bull**bleep** hell. Can’t seem to be able to go ABOVE AND BEYOND the people I contacted. Any ideas? It’s totally ruined my mood and my day. Thanks
Omg!!!!!!!! This is truly thee funniest most perfectly played wording for a bad review ever!!!!! Thanks fir the great laugh too!!!!
As thank you @Brook19 - we all feel for you and why not cheer ourselves up along the way 😂😂😂
@Brook19 Wow, he apologized after reading the review? That's unusual. Maybe he actually got a wake-up call and will be a better guest in the future. (I had one of those loud sex banging headboard guests, too. The thing is, I only host one guest at a time. She brought this guy back at 3 AM and woke me up).
So no, he likely didn't complain to Airbnb. I know Airbnb has algorithms that pick out key words in reviews, and "Airbnb" is bound to be one of them.
@Ann72 You're right. I reread it and it says the guest apologized after the guest left his review. So he was trying to get the host not to leave a bad review? Or he saw the host's review right after he posted his because they then both got published? (that was my perhaps false assumption). Only @Brook19 can clarify that.
Yes, only Brook knows for sure, but I think it was the former, hoping to waylay a bad review!
Hey all, i reviewed him. He reviewed us. When he read my review, he apologized and took responsibility. That’s why it’s weird that it would be him. Whomever said the Abnb comment might have tripped an algorithm is prob right. Only last thing is the couple who stayed here after them haven’t left us a review yet at all. However, they were so upbeat and happy w everything including me driving them a couple places so they didn’t have to Uber everywhere so I just don’t know.
I honestly feel defeated by this whole thing and the last guests who left today were given early check in and extra treats as well heated pool(an xtra amenity), but a late night bug scare seems to have put a bugger in the good feeling. They didn’t respect a single rule and left the place in a state. Mother Nature gave us a warm night and along w them leaving every single light on, and possibly the screenopen, who knows! There were a whole bunch of gnats. No Seeums Inside. This time of year always an issue. Big deal. They don’t bite or sting. U turn off lights and they r gone by daylight. This couple left and said they barely slept but thanks anyway. Did I mention we went in and vacuumed for 20 mins to try and assuage their fears. I feel a tainted review coming even though they know none of it was our doing! U can’t fight Mother Nature! This is all a lot. I’m really grateful for the support here so thank u!Thank u!!!! In prep for this probable “mountain made of a mole hill”…COLLEEN, I need ur brilliant neutral response advice to this situation as well!🙏🙏 Something majorly needs to be done to force much more HOST SUPPORT and treatment.
@Brook19 Ah, the insect phobes who don't make a connection between leaving the door open and the lights on and the flying insects entering. Darwin award.
What you might consider doing is putting a mosquito net over the bed. Not only are they practical, they look romantic. Nets are used widely in the tropics, but I'm not sure that those in temperate climates that are buggy in the spring and summer think about using them.
Even if there aren't any flying insects, guests who have a meltdown if they see some ants, a spider, or a lone cockroach can feel secure at night by having a mosquito net.
Also a stand-up fan that a guest can set up by the bed keeps flying insects away. I've lived in the bug-filled tropics for 18 years, so we have our methods.
Never ever considered that! Hmmmm romantic is right! Ty
I think ur prob right Sarah. Appreciate that!
If you think it's hard to write a "sensitive" review on English, imagine how difficult it is to do it on a foreign language 😞 It's easy to use google translate but to set a right tone and use the right phrases is not. I have a doc saved on my pc where I copy/paste some reviews I pick up here on CC (like the one @Ann72 wrote) and use it when I need them.
I always let myself calm down before I submit a review and try to tell everything in max 3 sentences without going into details.
But, I don't enjoy leaving bad reviews, on the contrary, I really feel bad.
@Branka-and-Silvia0 I can’t imagine writing them in another language and think it’s a great practice to have a good assortment on hand to adapt. I agree that I don’t like writing bad reviews either - it always makes me sad, and I always wish I didn’t feel obligated to do it. So I understand why bad guests have good reviews. But I do believe guests can learn from the bad reviews, so we are back to the obligation.
Appreciate that. I don’t like to either but I want hosts to be honest!!!! I need to know these things to make an informed decision. As Hosts We have to support each other!!! Like everyone here is doing. It’s so uplifting! Lol and what I left as a review was edited several times before I published it so I did give it thought first I think I need some canned responses for situations like this to help keep it kosher
@Brook19 Now that I know your honest review got an apology from the guest, I don’t know if you need the canned responses...but keeping a few on hand is probably useful and time-saving.
Annoyingly, I believe that when a host has been de-listed, he/she/they is often not given the reason. At all. So the Kafka nightmare carries on with you looking over every guest’s shoulder. No fun.
Hope you feel better now @Brook19 . A very insightful post and replies. Also very entertaining. You sound like a great Host (and I mean that!!).