I received this response from Airbnb support. The first ques...
I received this response from Airbnb support. The first question I asked was “ what advice are you giving hosts who have seen...
I’m a 5 Star Super Host who takes great pride in customer service and comfort. No issues except one guy left used condoms under his pillow for me to clean up. Abnb insists on honest reviews so that’s what he got. Don’t even know what the ISSUE OR INCIDENT IS but Abnb case manager emails at 2 am saying they r reviewing an incident and to respond quickly w details or I will be cancelled from Abnb. I call three times. I email three times. Nothing. They suspended my account and blocked all open days without telling me WHY!!!!!!!????????? This is my only source of income and they r screwing me up. How can this even be allowed???? Guilty til proven innocent????? Cs reps claim they can’t help. Diff Dept that I can’t contact. I’m stuck in Abnb bull**bleep** hell. Can’t seem to be able to go ABOVE AND BEYOND the people I contacted. Any ideas? It’s totally ruined my mood and my day. Thanks
How can she feel better if her place is delisted and airbnb is her only income?
This delisting is disgusting.
So glad that you're feeling the weight of support here @Brook19 and I make no light of this delisting @Ute42 .
The thread will remain open for you Brook to continue to work through your issues to resolution. Added to this is the forthcoming talk from Brian Chesky which will impact us all. If you follow @Ann72 's contribution to her recent references you will find out more. I'm going to offer a few thoughts on what we're going through but on that thread rather than here. This is to give you a heads up by way of preparation of what is afoot.
I also really appreciated your Review of that Guest and though cautioned by the wise commentary of colleagues here I would still stand by it. I do wonder what sparked this for you but am confident that you will recover.
Thank u Mary!!!! I try so hard to get it all right and provide a beautiful peaceful space, but the people out here in NY are a whole other animal than the rest. Entitled and bratty. AND NO ONE READS THE LISTINGS!!!!!! No one!!!!!!
Hi @Brook19
I still can see your listing in your profile.
Airbnb is temporarily unlisted your listing for further investigation of your account.
Airbnb did not suspense your account.
Usually, when someone complains, Airbnb needs to respond to investigate the case.
It may take a week or more.
I believe the guest has reported you to Airbnb, Yet, they send you an apology message. On another side, the guest complaint to Airbnb about your review.
Your listing should be ‘ under watch ‘at present.
They didn't suspend your listing.
Contact Airbnb offen via message or chat with the team, remind them urgently to pass your concern to the case manager who’s in charge of your case, to contact you and update you on the outcome.
I hope your listing will be back on live soon.
Thanks y’all. I have reached out at least 6 times now. To zero avail. Taking their sweet time and responding to none of the messages they insisted I had to respond to within 72 hours or else. My calendar is blocked and my listing doesn’t come up to guests looking. If this is how they treat 5* hosts, major repairs r needed. And, to be left in the dark while they unilaterally sabotage any possible bookings with no proof or defense option for the host truly boarders on Fascism.
Oh Brook this is horrible. I'm so sorry.
I think the advice to refer to the Guest's own review is No 1....
i just wrote a long response to thank u and tell u i have been officially suspended and still no one will tell me why or what. Appreciate your info and support. Really helpful All of you hosts r just terrific!🙏
@Brook19 reading through your review, you probably would have done well to ask in the Host Circle. Many times hosts are so upset with a poor guest they pop off something that, though truthful, is way too damning for ABB to tolerate. I know I have been very tempted but getting the advice from others has thus far kept my impulses in check. ABB will not countenance any harshness at all of their guests. The guests are like favored children complaining about unfairness while hosts are expected to grin and clean up all their leave-behinds, no matter how gross they are. Believe me, we have had a few.
Once you are unsuspended (and ABB likely will reverse this as you have a track record of earning them $$) I would take some time to practice a new review style. if someone is awful, say "So and so had a difficult time following house rules, clean up took extra time and we had trouble communicating. Not a guest we would recommend to others." Just touch on the points that we are allowed to rate others on and vent privately. The Host Circle is not indexed on Google so your guest can't run across the thread and figure out who you are discussing. Though a legit question is really why people think its okay to do this sort of leave behind in someone else's home. The guest is likely embarrassed and ashamed but honestly, that seems reasonable given the circumstances.
Also I notice that you call out some of the guests on their star ratings in different categories. Probably best to do that privately as no one can see who left what except you. Your ratings are great and if the forward-facing review is nice there is no need to call attention to anything less than perfect.
Great advice @Laura2592 . Very much appreciate what you've shared here. Thank you. There are a lot of nuances here and I've enjoy following the thought that you have put into this. Thank you very much indeed.
Oh ....Are we not in the Host circle? Hmmm I'm wondering if we just had two categories
1/ Guest enquiries.
2/ Host issues
Postings might land in their appropriate categories? Just had someone who seems to be a Guest posing as a Host.....!! (Ithink!!)
I'd prefer that we weren't sharing strategies in an open Forum.
Hello Admins @Stephanie @Quincy @Nick @Liv what do you think? Some reorganisation possible? (As if you don't have enough to do....!!! Sorry!).
In general, the airbnb CC is a public forum. If You want to publish a post You need either an airbnb host-profile or an airbnb guest profile.
If You want to read the posts on here, You don't need an airbnb profile at all, everyone can read everything. Also, if You do a google search all keywords You are looking for will be found and the refering posts will be displayed to everyone. All the scammers out there are reading the public section of the CC on an ongoing basis to educate themselves.
The section „host circle“ is different. This is a closed club in which only CC-members with a host-profile can write and read. Also, google doesn't find posts in „host circle“.
So everytime You want to post something You think is sensitive, You should alsways publish it in „host circle“.
Many thanks for your reply @Ute42 . That was a further education in avoiding error and I note a recent Host wanted to share with Guests the answers she got which was a bit worrying... well actually more of an alert to withold info that's strategic so Posters may not get fullsome answers as a consequence of where they post.
But also we are going to need to be more aware of where we are.... (and I'm not very good at that).
@Mary996 Host Circle is another section of this forum, which you seem to be unaware of. There is no need for hosts to share sensitive information on the open forum. It's already taken care of.
I find it interesting, informative, and useful when guests and hosts exchange viewpoints here. It's a symbiotic relationship.