What are other folks doing about this devastating developmen...
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What are other folks doing about this devastating development. I don’t want to support DOGE but leaving Airbnb will be a hard...
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A second wave of COVID-19 is going to visit all countries!
This might seem boring but can you please continue to read this post because the second part of it is important to everyone!!
As of yesterday Friday 15th May, my state has been officially classified coronavirus free! We have beaten this bug
But this doesn’t mean we are out of trouble. We are still social distancing and we are keeping our borders closed. It will probably be the end of the year before we allow international travelers back into this state.
Countries who have got on top of the virus such as South Korea are finding that they are facing renewed outbreaks and the main reason for this is the current method of coronavirus testing…..it is simply not reliable!
This South Korean epidemiologist explains why there is a weak spot in the system.
This may be difficult to follow because it is in spoken Korean, but it is subtitled. If you watch from 4 minutes 20 seconds until about 9 minutes, he explains the flaw in the testing system.
It is not known as yet if people who have been infected and subsequently have recovered have antibodies that prevent them from being re-infected. It is more probable that they have a relapse…..not a re-infection.
As this doctor states, the virus needs a minimum of 3,000 replications in the human body before it will show up as a positive result! Under that 3,000 replications the result will show as, negative. Now that’s not to say the person does not have coronavirus, it just means there is not enough of the virus in the body to show as a positive result!
Someone can be given the all clear, been given medication to alleviate the symptoms and after time test negative, but still have the virus active in their system. Because they have been cleared they don’t worry about social distancing and they just mingle into the community and……….this is where the second spike is going to come from.
We are aware of this here in our state which is why we still haven’t opened up Pubs and restaurants and sporting activities such as football, despite the fact that we are coronavirus free!
Please be aware there will be a second spike in this disease and prepare for it. Take notice of what this doctor is saying. He is a professional and knows exactly what he is talking about…….. unlike the US president.
Stay safe, stick with social quarantining, if you do, we will all be able to get back to normal far quicker than if we try to kid ourselves that there are short-cuts here.
@Robin4 @Emilia42 @Juan63 @Stephanie @Robbie54 and others.
Have you folk read the SAGE UK "25 Options for Increasing Adherence to Social Distancing Measures" document, dated 22 March 2020 advising how to manipulate people in relation to Covid19 ?
Note the way that various words have been intentionally changed, and reasoning behind it.
It includes links to the various Scientific researchers & authors of the Report.
It's a Document that's well worth while reading for everyone.
There's no place in society for manipulative behaviour towards people regardless of whether they do or do not have any form of Infectious Disease.
When you have read it ask oneself where our humanitarian leadership across the world has gone to within our education sector and that of Governments towards other people in the wider society that they have a Duty of Care for?
I'm keeping physical distance, wash my hands, wear mask and gloves. I think it's pretty enough for being safe or not to transmit it to someone else if symptomless, if still covidiots out there gathering it's their responsibility to get sick. If maintaining a crystal lifestyle and wearing the right gears you won't be touched, well could be a bit hard for social ppl but really easy for unsociables like I am. Secondly, all know 2nd wave will be back in Autumn.
Told that, honestly I find the post long and a bit annoying, sorry. I think ppl in the community just want to write as much as they can and earn kudos at the same time. When we easied the lockdown first thing I thought was not to post but go out and have a dinner in a restaurant with an open air table, follow my suggestion and leave your computers.
In S.Korea over the past few weeks we have been seeing what could be considered a *2nd wave* of covid-19 infections. My level of efforts for social distancing and taking precautions hasn't changed...... from end of Feb till now and I'll probably continue to do what I'm doing (wear face mask, wash hands frequently, avoid crowds, keep my distance....) till a vaccine becomes available.
"The consequences of young people defying health warnings could be life-threatening for older populations.
A 84-year-old woman was confirmed with the virus on Monday after dining with her 30-something grandson, who was among the thousands of partiers at Itaewon.
Her risk of dying from the infection is much greater at 25 percent than that for her grandson, which is less than one percent at 0.17."
OK, really? Because I am looking at the chart right now and I see no second wave. What am I missing here?
The uptick is not as significant as what we saw end of Feb~March but there is a clear upwards trend that is showing it's ugly head again.
S.Korea was able to keep the # of new cases to mostly single digits end of April~early May.... but the # have been going up again these past 2 weeks.
Fortunately most people are more proactive about getting tested and self-quarantine than several months ago which is helping to keep the curve flattened.
While we are seeing an increase, hopefully it won't catch us off guard like the 1st wave and things won't escalate. Many people are working hard to keep things somewhat under control to keep things stable for the majority or citizens and keep others around us safe.
I think all the young people who believe the virus is some kind of overblown media hype, and that they are invulnerable, should be the ones to stay home. They can socialize and spread the virus among themselves in their own homes. The older folks and anyone in vulnerable demographics, who will be the ones to take precautions not to get infected or spread the virus, are the ones who should be free to be out and about.
I agree with you @Sarah977 new generations don't really mind about wearing proper PPE, I also heard of idiot covid parties running in USA. But it's our duty of adults to preserve our youngest generations and it could be done with just education, unfortunately it doesn't affect me as I don't have sons, our education system and families should cover this. I've been argumenting until few hours ago with a superhost of dozens of properties claiming she deserves the airbnb refunds anyway. People lost their minds and rather than restart want to live with aids. Airbnb by itself set aids to hosts and refund guests asking loans for 3BNs, not booking or even expedia and both of them asks the 23% to hosts. So this is how the world goes... greedy ppl hooked to some dollars when they made many with airbnb. I don't have words...
@Sarah977 I had to say fortunately thanks god, being a parent nowaday it's kind of very difficult I think, not like me as a son at that time, I was alone all day after school making homeworks and drawing, but I had spare keys so I could even go out for window shopping. Different times LOL
Hiya @David6824 ,
Thanks for you sharing your experience, especially during this dreadful pandemic. I don't think @Sarah977 was referring to all younger generations and I don't think you meant to either. We can often get frustrated by those who end up representing certain groups in the media but it's important to caveat particular groups of people are not tarred with the same brush. Hope you understand where I'm coming from!
Hi there @Stephanie,
for sure, I didn't mean to generalise, just thought of myself when I was a youngster.
cheers 🙂
@Stephanie I was being somewhat tongue-in-cheek, which I know doesn't always translate in a post. I'm just so sick of hearing people say that all the old and vulnerable people should stay at home while everyone else should be free to conduct business as usual, or that it "only" kills the old and health compromised, as if we are second-class citizens, some sort of expendable collateral damage.
Sounds pretty discriminatory when you turn the tables, eh?
In the UK, no one conducts business of any kind apart from essential workers or from home (like myself right now), regardless of age. With over 35,000 deaths ongoing of all ages it's not hard to see why @Sarah977 .
I agree with your sentiment - since when were elderly or health compromised of less value than anyone else?
Hi everyone,
I can understand how the coronavirus would naturally move to a more political discussion regarding government action and inaction around the world. However, this does not give us free reign to belittle others beliefs, push political agenda or attack both our own, or our fellow contributors country of residence.
This forum is for hosts to discuss hosting and support each other in positive ways - further post of the aforementioned nature are considered off-topic and will result in being removed or the topic being closed.
Many thanks,
Perfectly said @Stephanie. The commonality of successful hosting shared in this private forum should keep us all more than busy in conversation, drifting into irrelevant incendiary subjects will only serve to detract from its main purpose.
To be fair this forum isn't private, anyone can join with either a Google or Facebook account, like I accidentally did fairly recently. There's no administrator accepting or denying new accounts, anyone can join.