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როგორია თქვენი მოლოდინები წელს?
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So the scenario is this I get a booking from someone in China who are obviously on the quarantine list.
I advise them they need to self quarantine for 2 weeks and I don't have the facilities to allow them to do that in my small home.
He has said he has already self quarantined in a hotel, how do I know he is not liying?
how best to proceed?
I could ask him to show me his hotel booking on arrival?
@Paul75 Sounds a good idea.... If he is already in the UK, what about asking for a photo of the stamp in his passport which shows when he entered the UK? - Then you'll know if it was at least 2 weeks before arriving at yours. If Yes, you check the passport on arrival to check it's him/his; if he won't have been here a full 2 weeks you have time to work on cancelling the booking before he lands at yours.....
@Paul75 Sounds a good idea.... If he is already in the UK, what about asking for a photo of the stamp in his passport which shows when he entered the UK? - Then you'll know if it was at least 2 weeks before arriving at yours. If Yes, you check the passport on arrival to check it's him/his; if he won't have been here a full 2 weeks you have time to work on cancelling the booking before he lands at yours.....
Sure, but with the UK numbers off the chart, I doubt it matters. If you host in small home, you take a big risk.
You take a bit risk when you get in your car every morning also
@Sandra126 The issue, is that @Paul75 wishes to abide by quarantine rules. Our numbers mean nothing, except that more people are being tested. As positive tests have soared, the death rate has not! - Suggesting folk are getting a very mild dose! (Which might be good for herd immunity?)
I'm currently hosting Post lockdown Guests 44 & 45 in my small home. (Now they've scrapped the "2 households rule" and are allowing 6 people under one roof!) Nobody cares about Covid. People must be more at risk in the supermarket, or at work, than (not mixing) in my house. As Paul says, lt's more dangerous to get in a car.
Not entirely correct, I know many Brits who care. I also know quite a few who have it. Some are in the fifth month of trying to recover. So people care. Yes, cars are dangerous, how is that a comparison? I know that you don't care, but don't generalise please. I clearly misunderstood the question, I thought he was concerned about safety. Best of british to you.
@Sandra126 You have me wrong; I DO care! Since Covid I have avoided all places where people gather, except for essential supermarket runs, I have not visited friends & only have social contact with ONE person. I don't spend time with guests apart from letting them in on arrival.
Covid DOES exist, but life goes on, we have to live, earn, itinerant workers need a cheap place to stay, & people want short breaks in the mountains!
Good to hear. Safe is good.
I've also had quite a few of these enquiries, not from China, but more from the USA. It seems most of them have not even considered quarantine regulations, so I have to remind them. Good suggestion to make sure their arrival date in the UK is at least two weeks ahead of their arrival in your home.
It is true that people will lie, or simply 'omit' details, because they want the place. I've had a couple of guests already who, it turned out, really misrepresented their situation, e.g. the guy who said he had been quarantining in the UK for three weeks already, when it turns out he had arrived in the country nine days before and had not quarantined at all. Another guest told me she had been super careful about social distancing etc. but then proudly boasted when she left my listing that she had travelled throughout lock down (something she completely failed to mention before) and that no one had been following social distancing in her study place the whole time she had been staying with me.
I do ask a lot of questions before someone stays and would like to then take them on their word, but am finding that people can be far from honest if they are determined to book your listing.
I asked him to provide passport photo with stamp of entry. "OK,if I will book your room,I will provide it to you" make of that what you will. I suspect he will try his luck with another host.