I received this response from Airbnb support. The first ques...
I received this response from Airbnb support. The first question I asked was “ what advice are you giving hosts who have seen...
I'm beating last years numbers since we've opened back up. I think people are tired of being cooped up in their homes and want to get out to do something fun. I hope you all are having success too!
-Don in Lithia Springs Ga.
I think I was thinking left/right in terms of politics, @Melodie-And-John0 ! 😉
I only know Albuquerque from the song!
Enjoyed your little tale of reasoning tho'! 🙂
Covid 19 is the culling of the herd.
I'm 53. I'm not nervous. I'd love to get it and be over it. The media has blown its significance out of proportion.
@Donald28 The media were fed nonsense, as have all people across the world as Politicians across the world were given the same modelling ( Professor Neil "Lockdown" FERGUSON who has a history of stuff ups ) & templates to use that have been used almost word for word by a large portion of Politicians worldwide.
If you looked you can probably find an "Open Letter to Our Politicians not to Scaremonger" about Coronavirus in your state/ country that has been written by & signed off around the middle of March by Drs of academia, as in Microbiologists / Scientists and the like who are attending university. Not one of them to the best of my knowledge has ever examined a patient in real life to be qualified to decide what a person may be unwell from.
It's those academics who are running the show along with UNITE & other unions.
The Director General of Health & the "students" who have been pulling strings, together with those whose research papers have been flying around online without establishing facts first have run roughshod over everyone, acted outside of their scope of practice & knowledge & breached a large number of basic legal human rights.
Don't start me on the 25 ways to ensure Social Distancing document nonsense that includes using coercion & persuasions towards people ...
Look at official Govt Dept websites and it shows a clear pattern of the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.
Our latest "positive tests" here in New Zealand had the " symptom" of a "runny nose" which as we know could be anything.... Those same people should have disclosed at the border they were departing from if they had any medical conditions in accordance with their laws PRIOR to boarding any Aircraft or Sailing Vessel in accordance with Transport Act legislation... If they have mislead Authorities about their health conditions they should be held to account and returned to their own country for Medical care/ treatment.
People should be mindful like with Drug trials / medicine there's positives and false positives to see how people react....
All the best
@Donald28 FYI I am "the media" you're referring to and I can tell you that if people are afraid, it's not because of the media. We are reporting the FACTS. So, if the facts, in turn, make people afraid, then, that's not the fault of the media.
And FACT, the flu does not kill more people each year.
I'm happy for your success, but please don't downplay the seriousness of Covid-19 for those who are educating themselves.
@Lizzie somebody changed "****" to "poop" in my post. If my literal series of four asterisks violates some kind of guidelines please just remove my post, don't bowdlerize it.
hahaha dont feel bad most of my post was chopped out without even a SORRY from whoever did it.
@Donald28 @Robin4 I don't resent, I'm PLEASED for you both hosting, & all those who still host.
Indeed, it's light at the end of the tunnel, a promise of hope that people will still travel, once allowed to.... I'd actually rather read positive stories, than the negative ones! I always access the CC hoping I'll find a nice new story of post Covid hosting, good times!
(And as a host who attracts 1-nighters more than any other length of stay, boy do I prefer those who stay longer! Less laundry & cleaning! - And sometimes some friendly chat, relaxed vibes!)
Your situation is a lot different to mine Donald. Your state may have opened it's borders but your current COVID-19 infection rate in Georgia is out of control.......900 new cases each day that goes by! You currently have over 57,000 active cases in your state.
These above figures are current! Georgia is ranked 10th amongst US states for COVID-19 infections! There is no way on Gods earth I would be hosting in the current environment in your state of Georgia, Don!
In my state there has not been one new case of COVID-19 since May 26th! There has only been two new reported cases in the last 2 months since April 22nd. There is no COVID-19 in my state, and yet our borders are still closed to 2 other states where there are active new cases, and closed totally to international travelers. I assess the risk of every guest that wants to come here!
The chance of someone either bringing, or catching coronavirus in my listing is essentially, zero! Although this graph is current as of 22nd June it stops at May 26th because there has been nothing since. We only had 4 total deaths in this state compared to your 2,643 in Georgia.
You have more chance of being bitten by a shark swimming in the ocean than getting coronavirus here! But we still have a raft of social distancing measures in place which we can be fined for breaking.
So having said that you can see why your post won't get a lot of up-votes....most hosts will be considering that you are taking unnecessary risks Don.
Although your state government has made a decision to consider the economy before lives, I guess their rationale being....if you don't have a healthy economy, you have an even greater loss of life! That's not for me to judge.
I would, like probably most other hosts in your area, consider hosting just now to be an unacceptable risk despite what your state says. But there is still that pool of people who need to travel for one reason or another and that is probably why you are getting a lot of bookings.....most hosts have borded up their listings!
I am happy for you that it is back to business as usual Don and best of luck to you. I do think though that you are a brave man sticking your neck out, you are taking a massive risk!
I am hosting in a sterile environment compared to you.
rob said to say if you look at a county by county basis in ga.,
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It's only natural that the people who aren't taking it seriously are going to get more cases.
The reason chicago is so screwed up is because it hasn't had a republican mayor since 1931.
@Robin4 stunning rainbow. City of Chicago now requires reporting of guest names so airbnb decided that it is not worth their time (commission) to comply for one night stays and just blocked them
but can we have an honest conversation on how horrible airbnb customer service is right now?
The guests chose to travel - because they were allowed to travel. They were not breaking any rules by travelling and in their own vehicle they would be safe. The provision of a safe environment is expected, so a guest should not be expected to disinfect a public (private) games area when paid for for their private use. Health issues aside, this a litigious situation and one easily to be found foul of. No matter what your opinion is.
We often see signs warning "cars parked at owners risk" to avoid litigation. Maybe Don should consider a sign " By order of the management, no weak, old or fat guests without full PPE for your own safety. Full PPE is advisory for all other guests in this establishment". Should such a sign have been placed on the booking information, I wonder how busy bookings would be?
@Ian-And-Anne-Marie0 I disagree. Anyway, you could NEVER prove the virus was contracted at @Donald28 's, nor at any other Airbnb, as it would have died a natural death by the time anyone came to swab....
Over here, in West Cumbria, people leave the supermarket in pairs & get in a taxi. - Much more risky than staying in an Airbnb... My neighbour across the shared courtyard, had a 40th birthday party, which went on for 3 days! (Didn't invite me, we don't know each other.) - People , hoards of people, coming & going all day Fri, Sat, Sun.... I won't be reporting them.)
Meanwhile, my new carer guest, who rang me out of the blue, saying "I'm a colleague of X's, can I stay?" has asked to bring his 19 year old daughter for a jolly, next time he stays... I had to say "No, it's still illegal!" Just father, cos he's working, so allowed!