COVID protection for hosts

Level 10
Flagstaff, AZ

COVID protection for hosts

Were still not out of COVID...yikes However I have two latent issues:

Cannot hosts be informed if guests contract and or test positive while staying in an Airbnb property? I take exception that guests can cancel over COVID concern s( very valid) but we hosts have no reciprocal protections. I. had a guest to tested positive day 3 after occupying my apartment. The disclosed it.  However can we ask guests to disclose active COVID, before, during or upon leaving out property.

Issue #2: I have guest who checked in yesterday. I stood  about 10-12 feet apologizing for forgetting my mask, well coming here. She said she DOES NOT wear masks. Make me nervous for a couple of reasons. Can I ask guests if they wear a mask AND OR have been vaccinated?


Issue is guests and hosts take a risk. What are the boundaries for host protection.

3 Replies 3

@Beth44  The official policy is here:


You may cancel a booking without penalty if the guest is refusing to observe the mask mandate, but this is generally more of a concern for hosts with shared-home listings. 


The rules ask that guests not check into their stay if they have tested positive in the 30 days prior, so presumably you're allowed to ask about that, but you're completely at the mercy of the guest's honesty. At this stage, your best protection is to assume that any guest is potentially an active carrier of the virus and act accordingly.

Level 10
Flagstaff, AZ

Andrew-Thanks for clarification

Level 10
Swansea, United Kingdom

" If you're a guest, you will not be eligible for a refund if your host cancels your reservation because you did not comply with these practices"
From the link provided you are at liberty to ask the Guest to leave in your circumstances. You may wish however to leave a conciliatory note asking if they would keep an additional distance if not wearing a mask maybe? However if you do feel strongly or are 'at risk'  the policy position supports you.


You will however have to communicate with them. Again perhaps writing and asking them to write back might be the best course. (Do you have an ozone generator? Its a great way to disinfect packages and writing materials).

How are you minded about the circumstances now? Simply advising them of the position may lead to a resolution?