Calendar finally blocked for declining to participate in covid hygiene theater

Level 10
Quilcene, WA

Calendar finally blocked for declining to participate in covid hygiene theater

Well, Airbnb finally got around to blocking our calendar. We didn't sign up for the ECP, because according to @Catherine-Powell it requires removing from our homes all cookware, tableware, and linens that cannot be rewashed on every turnover regardless of use. This would eliminate one of our listings' primary selling points, not to mention being entirely pointless according to current science-- especially with our four-day vacancy buffer between guests. And while we understand many hosts are taking the "let's not and say we did" approach to this, we won't advertise falsely.


Fortunately we're pretty fully booked through the summer and this will give us the opportunity to prove or disprove our theory that we can fill the remainder of the year with Vrbo and direct booking.



159 Replies 159

@Lisa723 Stunning result - This will save a lot of time and aggro. 

@Lisa723 @Lauren2775 This is good news, and hopefully the beginning of a more reasonable attitude. As you say, it does not yet address the issue of coercing an unenforceable global policy even in locations with no Covid transmission ...

Level 10
Mount Barker, Australia



Well it sure is a pity the program lead for cleaning and Covid safety can't get together with the global head of hosting and get their stories straight.

We now have in writing where @Lauren2775 directly contradicts what  @Catherine-Powell  has said in writing.


There is a massive difference between cleaning the contents of the property and cleaning what guests have physically used on the property.


 @Lauren2775 could I possibly impose on you to set out here on the CC a definite set of rules that we hosts can rely on. Many hosts have had their hosting business turned totally upside down by un-necessary mixed messages from the company, and this has to stop. Where something as important as Covid is concerned we need one person to be responsible for company policy, not different individuals within the company putting their own spin on it!


Can I also ask you to give thought to some flexibility in dealing with the severity of the Covid risk.

Can we be guided by our local jurisdictions?

In the state of South Australia that I host in there has not been one case of COVID-19 in the community for 4 months. Apart from quarantined individuals returning from overseas the Covid virus does not exist here. Vaccination is freely available, I have had mine. The wearing of masks is not required here. Obviously the severity of risk here is extremely minimal and the best ones to assess that risk are our local health experts.


Lauren if you could provide a bit of clarification here it would be greatly appreciated.





@Lisa723  I knew it.  I'm relieved the English language hasn't been abused after all.

Level 10
United Kingdom

Thank you for tagging me @Lisa723 and I am very glad that things are working out for you. I have not received any such message, and, as a rather part time host (100 days pa max, in a 1 bed flat) I doubt I would. I shall stay as I am for now, but will see how things evolve. Best of luck to you all. 

@Clare167 I've asked @Lauren2775 to publicly correct the record on this thread, and I hope she will, so nobody has to take my word for it. It would also be great if @Catherine-Powell would correct her previous messaging.


Of course, I can understand how even with this update many hosts still won't be willing to sign up (especially in countries that have successfully managed the virus). If we weren't planning to stop renting at the end of this year anyway I would probably remain unwilling, based on the absence of any known end game for the policy and its potential to enable guest refund abuse.

Level 2
Western Australia, Australia

Hi Lauren@2775 , I am very relieved to read your response to Lisa@723  where you say that  "You're not required to wash every dish/pot/pan in your entire home, only the ones left out and used by guests. It's still a "best practice" to do so (as referenced in our best practices handbook/checklists), but not absolutely required. And linens you can wash if used/when dirty. "  

My understanding that everything would have to be washed is one of the main reasons that I have not yet agreed to the ECP and have therefore had my calendar blocked.

The other main reason is that  I live in Western Australia, which has not had a single case of community transmitted Covid in over 11 months ( only returned Aussies in mandatory quarantine). For us, the requirement to wear a mask when greeting guests and cleaning is absolutely over the top and would actually be quite confronting to both our guests and the cleaner that I share cleaning with.  Our government does not require this, in fact as you may have read in other comments in this thread we could go to a football match with 35000 people and not wear a mask. We rarely see anyone wearing a mask here.

Can you confirm that, in our situation, the wearing of masks is considered best practice but not absolutely required?  If this is the case, I would be happy to agree to the policy and also to wear a mask if our situation changes and it is recommended by my government or health department.

I hope that the situation is improving in your part of the world.


Level 6
Great Malvern, United Kingdom

@Lisa723and others - thanks for sharing the response - perhaps one small step for Airbnb to start to acknowledge the real world that we live in, rather than the frightened, litigious world that Airbnb globally seemed to have  migrated to.


To be honest the cleaning aspect of the policy feels a bit of a red herring - impossible to measure much less enforce. If it was only that I might sign up and make it clear to guests ahead of time what I do in practice rather than following a remote tick box manual.


For me, as someone who hosts a spare room in his own home the mandatory mask requirement remains the show stopper. I remain committed to following the local guidance - I happily wear a mask in the supermarket etc. But I will not wear a mask to greet guests nor keep a mask to hand on the chance that a guest happens to walk through the kitchen when I am in it or wants to share a coffee with me while we chat about their day.


I had a handful of guests when things opened up in the UK last summer and a handful of guests have booked ahead this year. Nobody who is concerned about Covid is likely to book a room in someone elses home, even when the rules relax in the England, currently expected from 17th May.


Until Airbnb reverse their one global rule policy, I can't see a way forward for those in a similar position to me.


Level 10
Los Angeles, CA

I got an email from Airbnb, telling me about a Covid Safety and Vaccine Workshop in my area. I wonder if anyone will actually show up. LOL

Show up with this helmet so they take you seriously.
