I will be deactivating my account, and encouraging everyone ...
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I will be deactivating my account, and encouraging everyone I know to do so as well until AirBnB board aligns itself with the...
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What is going on at HQ? Are stock holders happy with the new rollouts? Are revenues up or down? Is AirBnb increasing market share i.e. new listing inventory up or down? Is traffic at the site up or down? We are 2 quarters into this twilight zone 2022 experience. Must be some data available you can share with us all.
I am not a shareholder in AirBnB, best not to depend on them any more than we already do! Remember Enron?
But I do have some stock, and looked up the chart for ABNB (their symbol). Here it is for the last 3 months:
All is public information for anyone to look up. They were heading down with the rest of the stock market before the latest "Update". This particular site had a "Sell" rating on them before May.
Well...I am a shareshorter - the way it is going with ABNB this is the only way to profit now 🙂
I am a stockholder, since day 1. I am choosy, and only invest in companies that I am personally involved in. This is one of them
That way you have some knowledge of how a company works. That is a good philosophy.
As a retired telco worker, I have some Verizon -- I just did not when I was working there after seeing what happened to the Enron employees. Too many eggs in one basket, is the way I look at it. I like stocks that pay a dividend, guess I'm getting old!
@Kitty-and-Creek0 @Ted307 @David8879 Great! Can you share with us any insider news about who might get sacked for masterminding this fiasco? Any board of directors meetings about returning to profitability by returning to the "products" that were actually profitable before they were destroyed?
Insiders can trade, but it is reported. For example, an insider we all know is Cathrine Powell, an insider who sold 5,683 of her shares @ $108.03 on 5/19. But, she still owns 124,846 shares. She is small time compared to some of the others, her name is just one I know. Looks like Cheskey also got some money, but that is to be expected, he has over 11 million shares.
There seems to be a lot of insiders selling, lots of options being exercised @$40 and sold around 100. While they are still in the money. Lots of insider selling while the price is down. 😞
But, there has been quite a sell-off in the stock market, in all areas.
Ted - no disrespect - please lookup definition of "Insider Trading"
None taken. "Illegal" insider trading is not insider trading. All insiders trade, they are supposed to report it in advance. Here you go:
Understanding Insider Trading
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) defines illegal insider trading as:
"The buying or selling a security, in breach of a fiduciary duty or other relationship of trust and confidence, on the basis of material, nonpublic information about the security."
For example, Cathrine Powell's sale was after our latest "update" publicly announced and was publicly disclosed.
5,683 x 108.03 = $613,934.49 -- probably a little more than most hosts make 😉 (Hosts in the UK average 6,000 pounds/year, about 2 month's average wage).
All insiders trade
"Insider Trading" is illegal (based on material and non-public information)
Say "Martha Stewart"
The Devil is in details
I would be delighted to continue theological discussion and post my 30 years in financial industry resume
P.S. Insiders buying or selling is a very poor indicator of stonk direction
No disrespect intended to your experience. I am just a retired insurance agent and phone co. worker.
People can decide what they want to do based on public information. Personally, I do not feel like buying a stock while the insiders sell.
I still do not believe any higher-ups at ABNB will loose their job over this. Maybe some service reps, who work for other companies.
@Susan990 and @Ted307 I think there might be questions needed to asked. If the people who work inside Airbnb headquarters are cashing in their shares and a drop in the market has happened mid June.
Maybe, it is connected with the new summer release of the listing of Airbnb properties with dropping of your listing names with the new categories and all the extra choices, unique styles promoted to the top of the list.
Another point was promoting guest complaints to 72 hours period to complain.
Don't forget hosts have left the Airbnb site or have joined other booking sites.
Actually, ABNB profits were up for the first quarter. Second quarter results will be announced Aug 10. But, investors do not expect much in the way of profitability from ABNB yet, they are still in the "grab market share" phase. A lot of the selling is probably people who want a return on their venture capital. Employees are given bonuses of stock options, which they sell when they want some cash. That they are selling now, could mean that they are not optimistic about the price of their shares going up in the near future. It is not a bad idea when researching a stock you want to buy, to take a look at the insider selling report. The Wall Street Journal said that host's income was up ~5% in 2021 from 2019.
We got used to a pretty nice time, but now a lot of travel related stock prices are down in fear of inflation and rescission. In another post I read, ABNB expects to get more hosts from us trying to make ends meet by using their service. The site traffic is down, but I doubt any ABNB jobs will be lost.
@Ted307 you nailed it
none ever goes to jail and little people like us take the heat and pay bailouts price...
that is the problem