Can I decline superhost status?

Can I decline superhost status?

I've been doing Airbnb for over 4 years! We love doing Airbnb and sharing our homes with other people.  But lets be honest my listings are older "rustic" places.  We advertise them as a budget option and have prices usually set 25-50% below hotel prices.  Most people book our places because of this cheap price. We also have really good location and amenities. Because of this we are booked 98% of the time! Anyway our ratings have been decent ... we usually average a 4.5-4.7 rating.  We have never been a superhost which is fine with me because we're doing great and there is no pressure!


HOWEVER I am now really worried!  We just got made a superhost!  I really do not wanted to be a superhost as I am worried that people will expect so much more!  Our places are budget places not superhost places.  I think Airbnb somehow made us a superhost by accident by changing some of their policies due to Covid.  


Can I decline?




1 Reply 1
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


Maybe if you contact Airbnb, they are willing to remove it.

But i would not bother too much about it. I am in same situation (cheap prices and "normal" level of service, which attracts a certain type of guests). I noticed no difference in being a superhost or not.
Just continue in the same way !