Can a host see guest's cancellation history

Level 2
Denver, CO

Can a host see guest's cancellation history

Hello, I am new to this forum, I have one general question, and one specific case I would like to get some advise. I thank everyone ahead of time.


I have been a guest on Airbnb for a few years. In August 2018, I booked number of reservations (mostly 1-2 nights) in England, Ireland, and Scotland for a 3-week vacation several months ahead. But my dad became terminally ill by July 2018 and eventually passed away early August. Needless to say, I had to be with my dad and cancelled my entire travel plan and all my reservations (all of them had flexible policy.). Since then I haven't cancelled and do have completed reservations.


I am curious when I submit a reservation request now, can the host see my cancellation history? If so, is it just 12 months back, or is it entire history. Is it a good idea to be pro-active and explain the 2018 cancellations when submitting a request?


Additionally, I currently have a reservation (Instant booking) for early April 2020, right afterwards the host told me that his county has approved new regulations that his unit would be illegal. But he said Airbnb has been negotiating with the county for some extension time, but he was not sure what would happen in April. I asked him to cancel but he refused, citing financial penalty. His cancellation policy is such that the guest would get "full refund (including the service fee)" until 2 weeks prior to check-in date. Right now we agreed to leave the reservation stand to see if there is any more clarity regarding the county regulations later, but I don't want to wait for too long, maybe just until the end of month.


My concern is if I cancel, even that I don't incur financial cost, it would add to my cancellation history for future hosts to see? (small print: actually I don't incur a small cost - I used a referral credit ($20) in this booking, I will lost it if I cancel). What would you advise in this case? If this reservation must be cancelled, should I insist that host cancel or Airbnb cancel?


Thank you very much!


Thank you!

Top Answer
Level 10
Alberta, Canada

@May1178  Airbnb does not share a guests cancellation history with hosts. It is true that a host will suffer consequences, not least among them a financial one, for cancelling a booking, although there are extenuating circumstances in the situation this host finds themselves in potentially. 


If you decide to cancel because the uncertainty of the pending issue is making you uncomfortable, call Airbnb to do it for you, and ask them to give you back your credit. Also get them to put a note in your file that this refund of the service fee won't count against you in case you have future cancellations. According to Airbnb: "Guests won’t get a refund of the Airbnb service fee if they’ve received 3 service fee refunds in the last 12 months." You shouldn't be penalized in any way for this cancellation.


FWIW I find it curious that the host tells you that "Airbnb is negotiating with the county for some extension time". This, to my knowledge, is not something Airbnb engages in. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. I sure would like to know...

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Alberta, Canada

@May1178  Airbnb does not share a guests cancellation history with hosts. It is true that a host will suffer consequences, not least among them a financial one, for cancelling a booking, although there are extenuating circumstances in the situation this host finds themselves in potentially. 


If you decide to cancel because the uncertainty of the pending issue is making you uncomfortable, call Airbnb to do it for you, and ask them to give you back your credit. Also get them to put a note in your file that this refund of the service fee won't count against you in case you have future cancellations. According to Airbnb: "Guests won’t get a refund of the Airbnb service fee if they’ve received 3 service fee refunds in the last 12 months." You shouldn't be penalized in any way for this cancellation.


FWIW I find it curious that the host tells you that "Airbnb is negotiating with the county for some extension time". This, to my knowledge, is not something Airbnb engages in. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. I sure would like to know...

Level 2
Denver, CO

Thank you very much Colleen253. Here's what the host wrote:


Airbnb has been negotiating on our behalf with the county so that we have a few months to transition … We get emails from Airbnb whenever a decision is made. But we do not have an actual timeline. Initially the deadline was December 31 of last year,  but right before, we got an email saying that there would be a transition period of a few months. April may fall within that transition but I cannot guarantee it bc I am not part of The discussion.