Can we or cant we refer a host atm?

Level 2
Norwich, United Kingdom

Can we or cant we refer a host atm?

Hi everyone,

Im confused! After each guest leaves I am sent a prompt from Airbnb encouraging me to refer a host and get £173.  This is a nice sum of money so I spent a lot of time and effort helping my neighbour set up their holiday home on airbnb as they knew nothing about it. I sent them the correct refer a host link which they used to create their listing, they even used my listing as a template for theirs etc. They have their first booking now and are very happy......

However when I rang Airbnb to confirm about the £173 etc, I was told Airbnb aren't doing it atm.....?!? I hate to sound frustrated but surely it is false advertising to send me prompts to refer but not to honor the deal? I am especially not happy about still getting prompts now, today even!


Anyones advice or thoughts on this gratefully received!



1 Reply 1
Level 10
Paris, France

Hi @Lucy383 

You are correct.

The Airbnb Host Referral Program is accurate.

Yet, I admitted some Airbnb Representatives are not well trained.


You might try again to message or live Chat with another rep. Do chat and message with Airbnb Support Help Center [ not an Airbnb bot ] that is someone always here to respond within few minutes, acknowledge your concern, and request about the program.


Nevertheless, to qualify for any payouts, the Referred Host’s first received booking must have a value (excluding cleaning fees, taxes, and special offers) of at least USD 100 (or the equivalent in your local currency ). The Referred Host has 90 days from the date they are invited to completefor their first qualifying booking to earn the Payment.

To participate, Referring Hosts must agree to these Terms.


As help article, link as below,

The host referred program term and condition?


I hope you will earn the host referred program.

Happy Hosting ✌️